Barbershop in Germany

Barbershop in Germany

Barbershop in Germany (abbreviated BinG or BinG!) is the association for barbershop music in Germany. It was founded in 1991 by the members of a small but eager German barbershop fan group, and the organization is an official affiliate of the US-based Barbershop Harmony Society. Any representative of a German barbershop quartet or chorus can become a member of BinG.

BinG organizes the biennial German Barbershop Championships, which take place at the Dortmund Concert House, and publishes a quarterly newsletter. []

In 2001 BinG celebrated its 10 year anniversary with a grand concert in the concert hall of the University of Münster.

Manfred Adams is currently the president of BinG, having held the role in much of the 1990s and resuming leadership in 2004. Adams is also musical director of the Ladies First chorus from Dortmund.

External links

* [ Official website] (English)
* [ History of BinG]
* [ Ladies First] , six-time German Barbershop Music Festival champions

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