

The Annafest is a Franconian folk festival held yearly about 26 July (St. Anna's day) in the "Kellerwald" ("Cellar Wood" – not to be confused with the Kellerwald in Hesse) in the town of Forchheim. The ten-day festival can draw as many as 500,000 visitorsmore than 15 times the town's population.

Annafest's history

In 1516, in a small place called Unterweilersbach near Forchheim, a chapel was consecrated to St. Anna. The Forchheim townsfolk encouraged others to undertake pilgrimages to the site. On the way back, the pilgrims would stop for a rest in the "Kellerwald" to regain their strength with a bit of help from the beer cellar found there (which explains the wood's name). The pilgrims' kin, who had stayed behind, would come to the wood, bringing their family members food and drink. At that time, of course, the beer would also be drunk.

In 1840, when the Forchheim shooting club shifted its main shooting ground from the "shooting meadow" on the river Regnitz to the "Kellerwald", the folk festival began to develop.

The local breweries Hebendanz, Greif, Eichhorn and Neder all brew a strong beer specially for this festival, the so-called "Annafestbier". This is stored for several weeks before the festival begins.


* 2006: 22nd - 31st July
* 2007: 21st - 30 July
* 2008: July 26 - August 4

Annafest in other regions

The Annafest is also held yearly in Düren, where it is also called Annakirmes.

Brakel in eastern Westphalia also has an Annafest with a fair. However, they call it Annentag there.

External links

* [ Annafest Forchheim] - official page.
* [ Annafest Forchheim] - unofficial page.

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