United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325

The unanimous adoption of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on 31 October 2000 UN document |docid=S-RES-1325(2000) |type=Resolution |body=Security Council |year=2000 |accessdate=2007-09-06] was a watershed in the evolution of international women’s rights and peace and security issues. It was the first formal and legal document from the United Nations Security Council that requires parties in a conflict to respect women’s rights and to support their participation in peace negotiations and in post conflict reconstruction.

UNSC Resolution 1325 was the first Security Council Resolution specifically addressing the disproportionate and unique impact of war on women, and women's special under-valued and under-utilized contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace. It urges women's equal and full participation as active agents in peace and security.ref|reference1

SCR1325 was initiated in 2000 by Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, then Minister of Women’s Affairs in Namibia when that country took its turn chairing the Security Council.ref|reference2 After lobbying by dozens of women's organizations and UNIFEM the resolution was adopted unanimously.

Among other recommendations to UN and national entities, the Resolution calls for:
*Prosecuting people for crimes against women (often such crimes are committed with impunity);
*Extra protection of girls and women in war zones as they are more often deliberately victimized;
*Appointing more women for peacekeeping operations; and
*Involving more women in negotiations, peace talks and post-war reconstruction planning.

Related groups

The Friends of 1325 is an informal ad hoc group of 26 UN member states to advocate for implementing UNSC Resolution 1325. It was organized by Canada.

Operation 1325 [http://www.operation1325.se/content/view/30/42/] is an initiative by six women’s organizations and networks in Sweden to assist in implementation of SCR1325 in that country and internationally.


* [http://www.peacewomen.org/un/UN1325/1325index.html Extensive resources] on UNSC Resolution 1325, including full text, other documents and analyses.
author=Landsberg, Michele
year=Summer 2003
title=Resolution 1325- Use It or Lose It
work=Ms Magazine

* [http://www.international-alert.org/pdfs/TK1_conceptual_framework.pdf The Conceptual Framework: Security, Peace, Accountability and Rights] by Sanam Naraghi Anderlini and Judy El-Bushra, with contributions by Sarah Maguire

External links

* [http://www.opendemocracy.net/democracy-resolution_1325/issue.jsp Resolution 1325: does it make any difference?] - openDemocracy

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