Keiiti Aki

Keiiti Aki

Keiiti Aki (March 3 1930 - May 17 2005) was a professor, seismologist, author and mentor. He co-authored with Paul Richards, "Quantitative Seismology: theory and methods".

Aki was very active in his field and was the president or chair of many organizations. He was the president of Seismological Section of the AGU, president of the Seismological Society of America, and Chair of the NAS Committee on Seismology. He was instrumental in the creation of the Southern California Earthquake Center in 1991.

Honors received

*Election to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1979)
*Medal of Seismological Society of America (1986)
*Thorarinsson Medal from the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (2000)
*William Bowie Medal of the American Geophysical Union (2004)
*Gutenberg Medal of the European Geosciences Union (2005)


*citation | last = Pearce | first = Jeremy | title = Keiiti Aki, 75, Is Dead; Developed a Way to Measure the Strength of an Earthquake | newspaper=The New York Times | year=2005 |date = May 27, 2005 | url=
*cite web | title=Biographical Sketch for: Keiiti Aki|url=| accessdate=2008-04-05
* [ AKI, Keiiti] International Who's Who. accessed September 3, 2006.

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