Il Dottore

Il Dottore
Il Dottore, commedia dellarte character.
A costume design for The Doctor.

Il Dottore or the Doctor (usually called Dottore Balanzone, Dottore Baloardo, or Dottore Graziano) is a commedia dell'arte stock character, one of the vecchi or old men whose function in a scenario is to be an obstacle to the young lovers. Pantalone and Il Dottore are the alter ego of each other, Pantalone being the decadent wealthy merchant, and Il Dottore being the decadent erudite.[1]

The Doctor is a local, angry, disruptive busybody who doesn't listen to anyone else from any of the fields that he claims to know about, which is many (medicine, law, etc.). He is traditionally portrayed as having been educated either in Bologna or Padua, which since the Renaissance had two of the most prestigious universities of Italy and Europe. He is often extremely rich, generally with "old" money, though the needs of the scenario might have things otherwise. He is extremely pompous, and loves the sound of his own voice, spouting ersatz Latin and Greek. His interaction in the play is usually mostly with Pantalone, either as a friend, mentor or competitor.

He is typically depicted as an elderly man who only knows nonsense. He makes many cruel jokes about the opposite sex and believes that he knows everything about everything. He is an obese man that enjoys the bottle and eating to excess. His mask is unique in that it is the only mask in commedia dell'arte to cover only the forehead and nose. It is sometimes black, or else flesh-toned with a red nose.

Traditional names for the Doctor include Dr. Baloardo (English: 'Dr. Stoupide') and Dr. Spaccastrummolo (English: 'Dr. Hack-and-Bandage.') [2] His costume is usually all or mostly black, sometimes with a white collar. He frequently wears a hat, and long, trailing robes. If the actor playing the role is not naturally fat then he is padded out to make him seem so.

  • The Doctor mispronounces Pantalone's name in stupid and embarrassing ways and then asks for sexual favors from his wife or daughter.
  • Seizing upon some trivial and well-known fact, The Doctor pretends that he has made the discovery, which is of the utmost importance.
  • (in English language productions) The Doctor attempts to conjugate English words as if they are Latin (i.e. complaining he's been attacked byhoodlainstead ofhoodlumsor speaking of goinginside and exside.”)
  • The Doctor speaks in non sequitur, for example: "I am starved, do I look good? The feathers on that pigeon are beautiful..."
  • Another character will seek medical advice from the doctor only for him to pronounce them pregnant regardless of their gender, or that they are dying of some incurable disease.


  1. ^ Robert Henke Performance and literature in the commedia dell'arte, Improvvisation and characters, Individual roles, pp.19-24
  2. ^

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  • dottore — dot·tó·re s.m. 1a. OB LE chi insegna una dottrina, una disciplina, maestro: poscia ch io ebbi il mio dottore udito (Dante) 1b. CO spreg., fare il dottore, parlare come un dottore, darsi arie da dottore, comportarsi da saccente Sinonimi: saccente …   Dizionario italiano

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