

Neurodynamics is an area of research in the cognitive sciences which places a strong focus upon the spatio-temporal (dynamic) character of neural activity in describing brain function. Neurodynamics reflects a contemporary theoretical neurobiology which has embraced recent advances in nonlinear dynamics, complexity theory and statistical physics. Neurodynamics is often contrasted with the popular computational and modular approaches of cognitive neuroscience.


The term neurodynamics dates back before the 1940s.ref|burrow The field of study "neurodynamics", also called Neural Field Theory, is an offshoot of neuro cybernetics, which uses differential equations to describe activity patterns in bulk neural matter. Research for neurodynamics involves the interdisciplinary areas of Statistics and nonlinear physics and sensory neurobiology. On the physics side, topics of interest include information measures, oscillators, stochastic resonance, unstable periodic orbits, and pattern formation in ensembles of .

ee also

*Computational neuroscience
*Neuro cybernetics
*Walter Freeman
*Gerhard Werner
*Karl Friston
*Francisco Varela


#cite book|author=Burrow, Trigant |title=Neurodynamics of Behavior|publisher=s.n.|year=1943|id=ASIN B0007JSOS4
#cite book|author=Grigsby, J., Stevens, D.W., and Stevens, D. |title=Neurodynamics of Personality|publisher=The Guilford Press|year=2000|id=ISBN 1-57230-547-9

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