List of cooperatives

List of cooperatives

List of co-operative enterprises (see List of Co-operative Federations for a list of Co-operative Federations):


New South Wales
*Sydney Students' Food Co-operative Limited, located Level 4 Wentworth Buildingof the University of Sydney []
*Sydney Energy Cooperative Limited, A member-based Energy Cooperative in Sydney [ Sydney Energy Cooperative]
*University Co-operative Bookshop Ltd, [ Uni Co-op Bookshop] , Australia's largest Consumers%27_cooperativeSouth Australia
* South Australian Energy Co-operative Limited [ SA Energy Co-op]

*Friends of the EarthFoE food co-operative & cafe. Located at 312 Smith street, Collingwood
*The Melbourne Uni Food Co-operative.Located on the 1stst Floor, Union House, University of Melbourne, Parksville,
* [ Organarchy, RMIT Food Co-op] Level 4, Building 8, RMIT
*Wholefoods Co-operative, Monash Uni (Clayton)Food Co-op has a grocery, café and restaurant that does lunches


*Aaron Webster Housing Cooperative, Vancouver, British Columbia
* [ Access Communications] (Regina, SK)
* [ Accessible Technologies] (Westmount, NS)
*Agropur, Longueuil, Quebec
*Alberta Wheat Pool, Alberta
* [ Baseline Type and Graphics] (Vancouver, BC)
* [ BeaDazzled Bead Shop] (Guelph, ON)
* [ The Big Carrot] (Toronto, ON)
* [ Calgary Alternative Transportation Co-operative]
*Calgary Co-Operative Association Limited []
*Campus Co-operative Residences, Inc. [] (CCRI) (Toronto, ON)
*Canadian Co-operative Association
*Canadian Press
*Canadian University Press, Toronto, Ontario
*Canadian Travel Co-op (Burlington, ON. Regina, SK)
*CFRO-FM, Vancouver Co-operative Radio, Vancouver, BC. []
*Circle Sun Farms (Elmwood, ON)
*Come as You Are (Toronto, ON) []
*Creating Employment Through Art (Vancouver, BC)
*Co-op Atlantic (Moncton, NB) []
*Coopérative de Solidarité les Ateliers Boirec (Montreal, PQ)
*Coopérative du Café Chaos (Montreal, PQ) []
*Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada []
*The Co-operators Life Insurance
*Drum Travel Co-op (Toronto, ON) []
*Enviro-Safe Cleaning Workers Co-operative (Winnipeg, MB]
*Esson Estates Winery Co-operative (Waterloo, ON) []
*Extension Community Development Co-op (St. John's, NL) []
*Fogo Island Co-op Society (Seldom Come By, NL) []
*Fair Trade Clothing Co-op (Toronto, ON) []
*Federated Co-operatives Limited
*Future Forestry Services Co-op (New Glasgow, NS) []
*Ganesh Community Development Co-operative (Toronto, ON) []
*Gay Lea Foods, Mississauga, Ontario
*Gorman Restaurant Equipment Co-op (Moncton, NB) []
*Greenhouse Co-op, The (St Peter's, NS)
*GROWMARK, Ontario []
*Guelph Campus Cooperative, Guelph, Ontario []
*Haymarket Café Workers' Collective (Calgary, AB) []
*The Hoito Restaurant, (Thunder Bay, Ontario) []
* Co-op (Sydney Forks, NS) []
*Hullabaloo Publishing (Saskatoon, SK)
*International Women's Catering Co-op (Victoria, BC)
*Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op (Wolfville, NS) []
* [ Karma Food Co-op] Karma Food Co-op (Toronto, ON) []
*Knowledge-IT Canada (Saskatoon, SK) []
*La Siembra (Ottawa, ON) []
*Lakewood Terrace Housing Co-operative (Vancouver, BC) []
*Libra Knowledge and Information Services Co-operative (Toronto, ON) []
*Little Slocan Eco-Lodge Co-op (Slocan City, BC) []
*Malcolm Island Shellfish Co-op (Sointula, BC) []
*Manitoba Cooperative Association (Winnipeg, MB)
*Moncton Pizza Co-op / Pizza Shack (Moncton, NB)
*Moose Jaw Co-operative Association (Moose Jaw, SK) []
*Mondragon Bookstore, Winnipeg, Manitoba
*Mountain Equipment Co-op []
*Mud Creek Medical Co-op (Wolfville, NS)
*Multi-cultural Health Brokers Co-op (Edmonton, AB) []
*MYDAS (Mobilizing Youth to Deliver Advisory Services) (Charlottetown, PEI) []
*Natural Cycle (Winnipeg, MB) []
*Neechi Foods (Winnipeg, MB) []
*Norfolk Co-Operative, Norfolk, Ontario
*Northern Breweries, Ontario (defunct)
*Northern Star Worker Co-op (Winnipeg, MB) []
*One-stop Pop-ed Worker Co-op (Toronto, ON) []
*Ontario Co-operative Association, Guelph, Ontario []
*Ontario Natural Food Co-op (Toronto, ON) []
*Organic Meadow, Guelph, Ontario
*Organic Planet Worker Co-op (Winnipeg, MB) []
*Otter Co-op, Aldergrove, British Columbia
*ParIT Worker Co-operative (Winnipeg, MB) (
*Planet Bean Coffee (Guelph, ON) []
* [ Red River Co-operative] (Winnipeg, MB)
*Rising Tide (Antigonish, NS) []
*Rochdale College, Toronto, Ontario (defunct)
*Roofs and Roots Housing (development) Co-op (Victoria, BC) []
*Science 44' Housing Co-op, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario []
*Sky Dragon (Hamilton, ON) []
*Sleepless Goat, The (Kingston, ON) []
*Soaring Sisters Enterprises Co-op (North Sydney, NS) []
*Sound Advice Consulting Co-op (Ottawa, ON)
*Squeegeemedia Co-operative (Vancouver, BC)
*Sustainability Solutions Group Workers' Co-operative (Gibsons, BC; Montreal, QC)
*Team Works Co-op: Simply Fine Wines (Waterloo, ON) []
*Theresa's Eatery (Vancouver, BC) [] .
*Toronto Renewable Energy Co-operative []
*United Farmers of Alberta (Calgary, AB)
*Uprising Books (Toronto, ON) []
*Urban Mobility (Toronto, ON) []
*Urbane Cyclist (Toronto, ON) []
*Vancouver Co-operative Radio, CFRO-FM, Vancouver, BC. []
*Vancouver Renewable Energy Co-op []
*Venables Valley Producers Co-op (Venables Valley, BC) []
*View Court Housing Co-op (Vancouver, BC) []
*Village Grocery Workers' Co-op (St. Peter's, NS)
*Waterloo Co-operative Residence Incorporated (Waterloo, ON)
*War On Music (Winnipeg, MB) []
*Wild Island Foods Co-op (Sointula, BC) []
*Wireless Nomad (Toronto, ON)
*WindShare Co-operative []


*Arla Foods
*Det Kooperative Fællesråd


*OP-Pohjola Group


*Crédit Agricole


*medien denk fabrik
*Tageszeitung Junge Welt, Verlag 8. Mai GmbH
* [ JARIVA IT-Freelancers Co-operative]


* [ ]


*Co-op Kobe


*Co-operative Bank of Kenya []

Republic of Macedonia

*First Grape Producers' Cooperative Negotino []


*Farm Advisory Services Co-op Limited
*Knowledge Matters Co-op Limited
*Koperattiva Kulturali Universitarja Limitata
*Malta Maritime Pilots Co-operative Society Limited
*Ports Foremen Co-operative Limited

The Netherlands

*Aalsmeer Flower Auction
*Flora Holland
*Friesland Foods
*The Greenery

New Zealand

A selection of the larger full members of theNZ CO-OPERATIVES ASSOCIATIONas at 30 June 2004 (see [] for full list)
*Alliance Group Ltd
*Ashburton Trading Society Ltd
*Ballance Agri-Nutrients Co-operative Ltd
*Combined Rural Traders Society Ltd
*Dairy Goat Co-operative (NZ) Ltd
*Dairy Meats NZ Ltd
*Delta Produce Co-operative Ltd
*Eastpack Ltd
*Electricity Ashburton Ltd
*FarmersMutual Group
*Farmlands Trading Society Ltd
*Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd
*Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd
*Foodstuffs South Island Ltd
*Foodstuffs (Wellington) Ltd
*Independent Timber Merchants Co-operative Ltd
*Interflora Pacific Unit Ltd
*Livestock Improvement Corporation Ltd
*Ravensdown Fertiliser Co-operative Ltd
*Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd
*Vehicle Inspection NZ Ltd
*Westland Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd


*Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF)


*Coop Norden


*Mondragón Cooperative Corporation
*FEVECTA - Valencian federation of worker co-ops


*Coop (Switzerland)
*Raiffeisen Bank Switzerland

United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man

*Co-operative Group, including
**Co-operative Bank
*Anglia Regional Co-operative Society
*Baywind Energy Co-operative
*Bristol Wood Recycling Project
*Brixton Cycles
*Calverts graphic design & print co-operative
*Channel Islands Co-operative Society
*Chelmsford Star Co-operative Society
*Colchester and East Essex Co-operative Society
*Coniston Co-operative Society
*Co-operative Press
*East of England Co-operative Society
*Eighth Day co-operative []
* Footprint Workers' Co-op []
*Heart of England Co-operative Society
*Highburton Co-operative Society
*Ilkeston Co-operative Society
*John Lewis Partnership (employee-owned business, not formal co-op)
*Langdale Co-operative Society
*Lincolnshire Co-operative Society
* Lupine Adventure Co-operative []
*Magpie Recycling
*Manx Co-operative Society
*Midcounties Co-operative
*Midlands Co-operative Society
*New Internationalist
*Penrith Co-operative Society
*People's Press Printing Society
*Phone Co-op
*Plymouth and South West Co-operative Society
*Radstock Co-operative Society
*Ruskin House
*Scottish Midland Co-operative Society
*Shared Interest
*Shepley Co-operative Society
*Southern Co-operatives
*Substance Co-op
*Suma Wholefoods (Triangle Wholefoods Collective Ltd) []
*Swann Morton worker co-op
*Tamworth Co-operative Society
*Total Coverage Co-operative Design Consultancy
*Veggies of Nottingham
*Wooldale Co-operative Society

Football and rugby union supporters' trusts are incorporated as co-operatives of supporters. Several own the football club outright and many hold equity in the club.


* Credit Unions of Ukraine

United States

* ACE Hardware
* Affiliated Foods Inc.
* Affiliated Foods Midwest Co-op Inc.
* Affiliated Foods Southwest
* AgFirst Farm Credit Bank
* Ag Processing Inc.
* Agribank, FCB
* Agri-Mark Inc.
* Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc.
* Allied Building Stores, Inc.
* Alto Dairy Cooperative
* American Crystal Sugar Co.
* Ant Hill Cooperative
* Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation, Inc.
* Associated Electric Cooperative Inc.
* Associated Food Stores
* Associated Grocers of Florida, Inc
* Associated Grocers of the South, Inc.
* Associated Grocers, Inc.
* Associated Milk Producers, Inc
* Associated Press
* Associated Wholesale Grocers
* Associated Wholesalers, Inc.
* Basin Electric Power Cooperative
* Black Star Co-op A brewpub located in Austin, TX
* Blue Diamond Growers
* Brown Association for Cooperative Housing
* Buckeye Power, Inc., Electric Generation & Transmission Cooperative
* Calcot Ltd.
* California Dairies, Inc.
* Calumet Natural Foods Cooperative
* Central Co-op's Madison Market
* Central Electric Power Cooperative
* Central Florida Electric Cooperative
* Central Grocers Cooperative
* Certified Grocers Midwest
* Chatham Marketplace Cooperative (Pittsboro, North Carolina) []
* Choptank Electric Cooperative
* CHS Inc.
* Co-opportunity (Santa Monica, CA)
* CoBank
* Consolidated Electric Cooperative, Mount Gilead, Ohio
* Cooperative Finance Corporation (NRUCFC)
* Cooperative Producers, Inc.
* Countrymark Cooperative Holding Corporation
* Dairy Farmers of America
* Dairylea Cooperative Inc.
* Diamond Walnut Growers, Inc.
* Do It Best
* East End Food Co-op (Pittsburgh, PA)
* East Kentucky Power Cooperative
* ENAP, Inc.
* Equal Exchange
* Equity Co-op Livestock Sales Association
* Farm Credit Bank of Texas
* Farmers Cooperative Company
* First Tech Credit Union
* Florida's Natural Growers (formerly Citrus World Inc.)
* Foremost Farms USA Cooperative
* Food Conspiracy Co-op
* FTD - Florists' Transworld Delivery
* George Street Co-op
* Great River Energy
* Greenbelt Consumers Co-op []
* Greenbelt Homes, Inc. []
* Greenbelt News Review []
* Group Health Cooperative
* HealthPartners Inc.
* Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Co-op Inc.
* Isla Vista Food Co-op
* Jefferson Energy Cooperative
* Key Food Stores Cooperative Inc.
* La Montañita Co-op (Albuquerque, NM) []
* Land O'Lakes
* Lone Star Milk Producers
* Madison Community Co-op
* Mariposa Food Co-op (Philadelphia, PA)
* MD & VA Milk Producers Cooperative Association
* MFA Incorporated
* MFA Oil Company
* Michigan Milk Producers
* National Cable Television Cooperative, Inc.
* National Cooperative Bank (now NCB)
* National Grape Cooperative Association, Inc.
* National Information Solutions Cooperative
* National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC)
* Navy Federal Credit Union
* New Deal Cafe []
* New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union []
* Nebraska Rural Radio Association
* NonProfits' United
* North Carolina Electric Membership Corp.
* Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund
* O-AT-KA Milk Products Cooperative
* Oberlin Bike Co-op
* Oberlin Student Cooperative Association (OSCA)
* Ocean Spray (cooperative)
* Oglethorpe Power Corporation
* Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives (OREC)
* Oklahoma Food Cooperative
* Old Dominion Electric Cooperative
* Pacific Coast Producers Cooperative
* Park Slope Food Coop
* Pentagon Federal Credit Union
* People's Food Co-op (Portland)
* Piedmont Biofuels Cooperative (Pittsboro, North Carolina) []
* Piggly Wiggly Alabama
* Pioneer Telephone Cooperative (Oklahoma)
* Pioneer Telephone Cooperative (Oregon)
* Plains Cotton Co-op Association
* Prairie Farms Dairy Inc.
* Progressive Affiliated Lumbermen Co-op Inc.
* R.E.I. (Recreational Equipment Inc.) []
* Rapidan Camps []
* Riceland Foods
* Santa Cruz Campus Bicycle Center (AKA Bike Co-op)
* Santa Cruz Student Housing Co-ops
* Seminole Electric Cooperative
* Sno-Isle Natural Foods Co-op (Everett, WA)
* Snake River Sugar Company
* South Central Power Company
* South Dakota Wheat Growers Association
* South Mississippi Electric Power Association
* Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative
* Southern States Cooperative
* Southwest Corporate FCU
* Staplcotn, Inc.
* State Employees Credit Union, Inc.
* Sunkist Growers, Inc.
* Swiss Valley Farms
* TechCollective
* Tennessee Farmers Cooperative
* The Union Credit Union []
* Tillamook County Creamery Association
* TOPCO Associates
* Tri-State G&T Association
* True Value Corporation
* U.S. AgBank, FCB
* U.S. Central Credit Union
* Unified Western Grocers
* UNIPRO Food Service, Inc.
* United Dairymen of Arizona
* United Hardware Distributing Company (Hardware Hank)
* United Suppliers, Inc.
* Universal Cooperatives
* University Students Cooperative Association
* URM Stores
* VHA, Inc.
* Wakefern Food (ShopRite)
* Watonwan Farm Service Company
* Weaver's Way Co-op
* Weaver Street Market
* Wedge Community Co-op
* WesCorp FCU
* Western Family Holding Company
* Western Sugar Cooperative
* WestFarm Foods

ee also

*List of Co-operative Federations
*List of retailers' cooperatives
*List of worker cooperatives

External links

* [ Online directory of UK co-operatives]
* [ Online directory of .coop TLD users]
* [ Online directory of Maltese co-operatives]

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