- Pascal Themanlys
Pascal Themanlys (
27 September 1909 -25 June 2000 ) was a French (later Israeli) poet, Zionist, and Kabbalist. His books onJewish mysticism have been published in French, English and Hebrew.Pascal was born in Paris; his French parents Louis and Claire Themanlys were important disciples of
Max Theon , and in charge of the "Cosmic Movement" in France. Pascal himself only met Theon once in 1920 (when he was eleven, Théon was well into his seventies), although he claimed later he was initiated by his father Louis. This supplemented his own studies of traditional LurianicKabbalah .At fifteen, he published his first collection of poems, work of poems, a booklet called the "Emerald Monocle", in 1924. He met a number of important authors and artists such as
Rabindranath Tagore andPaul Valery . In 1934 his book "Les merveilles du Becht" ("Wonders of Becht") was published, the first book in French about theBaal Shem Tov .During the
second world war he was a member of theFrench resistance . In 1947, he married his wife, Raymonde; they would later have three children.In 1949 he emigrated to Israel where he became the head the French section of the Department of Information of the
Jewish Agency . He was also the founder of the "Amitiés Israël-France" (Israel-France Friendship) society.After his retirement from the civil service he founded the
Argaman Center , and taught and studied Kabbalah. He seems to have had a very poor opinion of liberal Judaism.Bibliography
*"Le monocle d’émeraude" ("The Emerald Monocle"), foreword by
Hélène Vacaresco , Delpeuch, Paris 1924.
*"Le Souffleur", illustrated by Mouth, Marcelle Lesage, 1927.
*"Figures Passionnées" ("Impassioned Figures"), Delpeuch, Paris 1930.
*"Les merveilles du Becht" ("Wonders of Becht"), Lipschutz, Paris 1934.
*"Grands d'Israël", Rieder, Paris 1938.
*"Cocktail de Fruits" ("Fruit Cocktail"), Beresniak, Paris 1938.
*"Détresse et Résistance Juives", M.N.C.R., Grenoble, October 1944.
*"Influences", Pro Libro, Paris 1949.
*"Max Théon and Cosmic Philosophy", Cosmic library, 1955.
*"Un itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem", Books of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1963.
*"Shaar Lesodoth Hahitbonenouth" (in Hebrew), Argaman, Jerusalem, 1981 .
*"In Way of Meditation in the Light of the Kabbala" (in English), Argaman, Jerusalem, 1981 .
*"Likrat Haboker Hagadol?" (in Hebrew), Argaman, Jerusalem, 1982 .
*"Si ‘hou Bekhoi Niflotav" (conversations with Danièle Storper) (in Hebrew), Argaman, Jerusalem 1987.
*"Or ‘Hadash al Tsion" (in Hebrew), Argaman, Jérusalem, 1987.
*"Visions of the Eternal Present" (Selections from the Cosmic Works of Max Theon) - (in English), Argaman, Jerusalem, 1991.
*"A l’approche du grand matin" Argaman, Jérusalem, 1996.
*"Rééditions des Merveilles du Becht" : Hebrew : Editions Argaman, Jerusalem, 1999. French: Yerid Hasfarim, 6 rue Mea Shearim Jérusalem, 2000External links and references
* [http://www.abpw.net/cosmique/pascal/pascal.htm Pascal Themanlys] - biography on "Cosmique Review"
*Oscar Laurens Schrover 2002 [http://www.kheper.net/topics/Theon/Pathotism.html Pathotism is empathy] - includes biographical comments
* [http://www.kheper.net/topics/Theon/Pascal.html Pascal Themanlys] miscellaneous notes, on Kheper
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