Cosmic philosophy

Cosmic philosophy

Cosmic Philosophy is the name Max Theon gave to the occult teachings given by his wife Alma Theon and himself. It is presented in the journal "Cosmic Review", the six volumes of the "Cosmic Tradition", and the Cosmic Movement they established in the first decade of the twentieth century.

Apart from the Theons themselves, important contributors to the Cosmic philosophy material included Charles Barlet, Victor-Emile Michelet, M. J. Benharoche-Baralia, and Pascal Themanlys.

Elements of the Cosmic philosophy can also be found in the teachings of The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, who, as Mirra Alfassa, was Theon's student in occultism, and involved in the Cosmic Movement. Some of Theon's terminology was also adopted by Sri Aurobindo.

The Cosmic Philosophy claims to be the original spiritual Tradition, and describes an occult cosmology that describes the various emanated planes of existence and cosmic cycles, including the sixth and the present, seventh, cycle, as well as describing the various occult powers of man.

External links

* [ Review Cosmique] - Pascal Themanlys' website, with a lot of material on the Theons and the Cosmic philosophy (in French)
* [ The Cosmic Philosophy] (includes text by Pascal Themanlys in English)

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