1824 in art

1824 in art

List of years in Art


*April 2 – The British government buys John Julius Angerstein's art collection for £60,000 for the purpose of establishing a National Gallery in London.
*"The Vow of Louis XIII", painted by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres for the cathedral of Montauban, is exhibited at the Paris Salon.
*"The Hay Wain" by John Constable is also exhibited at the Paris Salon and wins a gold medal.


* Grand Prix de Rome, painting:
* Grand Prix de Rome, sculpture: Charles Seurre, sculptor.
* Grand Prix de Rome, architecture: Henri Labrouste.
* Grand Prix de Rome, engraving:
* Grand Prix de Rome, music: A.M.B. Barbereau.


*François Joseph Bosio - Statue of Henry IV of France as a child (Louvre)
*Eugène Delacroix - "Les Massacres de Chios"
*John Flaxman - "Pastoral Apollo"
*Jean-Baptiste Paulin Guérin - "Ulysses and Minerva"
*Frederick Yeates Hurlstone - "A Venetian Page"
*Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - "Vow of Louis XIII"
*Johann Friedrich Overbeck - "Christ's Entry into Jerusalem"


*January 27 - Jozef Israëls, painter (d. 1911)
*March 31 - William Morris Hunt, painter (d. 1879)
*May 11 - Jean-Léon Gérôme, painter and sculptor (d. 1904)
*June 12 - Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse, French sculptor and painter (d. 1887)
*July 12 - Eugène Boudin, painter (d. 1898)
*October 14 - Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli, French painter (d. 1886)
*December 10 - Aasta Hansteen, Norwegian painter, writer, and early feminist (d. 1908)
*December 14 - Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, painter (d. 1898)


*January 26 - Théodore Géricault, French painter and lithographer, pioneer of the Romantic movement (b. 1791)
*April 17 - William Ashford - British painter who worked exclusively in Ireland (b. 1746)
*December 9 - Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson] - French painter (b. 1767)
*John Downman - English portrait painter (b. 1750)
*Thomas Hickey - Irish painter of portraits and genre scenes (b. 1741)
* Eugenie Margeurite Honoree Charen - French painter (b. 1786)
* Fedor Alekseev - Russian painter of landscape art (b. 1753)

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