- Erik Rush
Erik Rush is a conservative American
columnist , freelance writer, and author. He has, on his website, a map showing the population density of allMuslims living in America. His website includes an advertisement for his new bookAnnexing Mexico in which he claims that as much as 40% of Mexicans would prefer to live in America. He writes columns of social commentary for various print and online news sources, includingWorldNetDaily . He was born inNew York City in 1961. From 1975 to 1985 Rush was a club, stage, and studiomusician . He has also been involved in biomedical research, sales, marketing and advertising, especiallyaquaria andgraphic design .He has appeared on many FoxNews shows (including most notably his several appearances on
Hannity and Colmes ), CNN's Paula Zahn Now and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances. Erik has also served as a Staff Writer and Acting Associate Editor and Publisher for the New Media Alliance, Inc., a national coalition of writers, journalists and grass-roots media outlets. An archive containing links to his work can be found at http://www.erikrush.com. He is the author of several books; his latest, “Annexing Mexico: Solving the Border Problem Through Annexation and Assimilation”, was released by Level 4 Press in March 2007.In early 2007, Rush scrutinized Presidential hopeful
Barack Obama 'sChristianity and hischurch in an article [http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/rush/070221/ Obamination] that questioned the church charter, rhetorically equating the church with bothwhite supremacist groups and theNation of Islam .External links
* [http://www.erikrush.com/ Rush's website]
* [http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/rush/070221/ Obamination - Rush interviewed on Hanity and Colmes slamming Obama on the subject of his Church and his Christianity]
* [http://www.crooksandliars.com/Media/Download/14854/2/H&C-Obama-Cult.mov/ Rush article slamming Obama's Church and his Christianity]
* [http://www.tucc.org/ Obama's Church's website - Trinity United Church of Christ]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.