List of rare species in the British National Vegetation Classification

List of rare species in the British National Vegetation Classification

The following is a list of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens which were regarded as rare species by the authors of British Plant Communities, together with the communities in which they occur.

Vascular plants

* Man Orchid ("Aceras anthropophorum") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Baneberry ("Actaea spicata") W9
* Bristle Bent ("Agrostis curtisii") H2, H3, H4, H5, H6
* Ground-pine ("Ajuga chamaepitys") CG2
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla filicaulis ssp. filicaulis" CG10
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla acutiloba" MG3
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla glomerulans" MG3
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla monticola" MG3
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla subcrenata" MG3
* the lady's-mantle "Alchemilla wichurae" MG3, CG10
* Chives ("Allium schoenoprasum") H6, H7, MC5
* Bog-rosemary ("Andromeda polifolia") M2
* Loose Silky-bent ("Apera spica-venti") OV5
* Bristol Rock-cress ("Arabis stricta") CG1
* Field Wormwood ("Artemisia campestris") CG7
* Goldilocks Aster ("Aster linosyris") CG1
* Purple Milk-vetch ("Astragalus danicus") H7, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG7, SD11, SD12, MC10, MC5
* Wild Cabbage ("Brassica oleracea") OV41, MC4, MC5
* Lesser Hairy-brome ("Bromus benekenii") W9
* Great Pignut ("Bunium bulbocastanum") CG2
* Small Hare's-ear ("Bupleurum baldense") CG1
* European Box ("Buxus sempervirens") W13
* Narrow Small-reed ("Calamagrostis stricta") S1
* Narrow-leaved Bittercress ("Cardamine impatiens") W8
* Fibrous Tussock-sedge ("Carex appropinquata") W3
* Hair Sedge ("Carex capillaris") CG10
* String Sedge ("Carex chordorrhiza") M4
* Lesser Tussock-sedge ("Carex diandra") W3
* Elongated Sedge ("Carex elongata") W2
* Rare Spring-sedge ("Carex ericetorum") CG2, CG5, CG7
* Dwarf Sedge ("Carex humilis") CG1, CG2, CG3
* Tall Bog-sedge ("Carex magellanica") M2
* Soft-leaved Sedge ("Carex montana") H4, CG2, CG10
* Rock Sedge ("Carex rupestris") CG10
* Common Centaury ("Centaurium erythraea" var. "capitatum") MC5
* Dwarf Mouse-ear ("Cerastium pumilum") CG1, CG2
* Tuberous Thistle ("Cirsium tuberosum") MG5, CG2
* Coralroot Orchid ("Corallorrhiza trifida") W3
* Grey Hair-grass ("Corynephorus canescens") SD11
* Sea-kale ("Crambe maritima") SD1
* Northern Hawk's-beard ("Crepis mollis") W9
* Mezereon ("Daphne mezereum") W8
* Yellow Whitlowgrass ("Draba aizoides") CG1, OV41
* Hoary Whitlowgrass ("Draba incana") CG10
* Crested Buckler-fern ("Dryopteris cristata") W2
* the fern "Dryopteris" × "uliginosa", the hybrid of Crested Buckler-fern and Narrow Buckler-fern ("D. carthusiana") W2
* Dorset Heath ("Erica ciliaris") H3, H4
* Cornish Heath ("Erica vagans") H4, H5, H6, H7
* Portland Spurge ("Euphorbia portlandica") H7, CG1
* the eyebright "Euphrasia pseudokerneri" CG2
* Wood Fescue ("Festuca altissima") W8
* Snake's-head Fritillary ("Fritillaria meleagris") MG4
* Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem ("Gagea lutea") W9
* Wall Bedstraw ("Galium parisiense") CG7
* Slender Bedstraw ("Galium pumilum") CG2, CG5
* Limestone Bedstraw ("Galium sterneri") CG2, CG10
* Early Gentian ("Gentianella anglica") CG1, CG2
* Chiltern Gentian ("Gentianella germanica") CG2
* Hairy Greenweed ("Genista pilosa")) H2, H7, MC5
* Bog Orchid ("Hammarbya paludosa") M1
* White Rock-rose ("Helianthemum apenninum") CG1
* Hoary Rock-rose ("Helianthemum canum") CG1
* the hybrid between White and Hoary Rock-roses "Helianthemum × sulfureum" CG1
* Musk Orchid ("Herminium monorchis") CG2, CG4, CG5
* Fringed Rupturewort ("Herniaria ciliolata") H7, MC5
* Lizard Orchid ("Himantoglossum hircinum") CG7
* Hutchinsia ("Hornungia petraea") OV39
* Spotted Cat's-ear ("Hypochoeris maculata") CG1, CG2, CG3
* Wild Candytuft ("Iberis amara") CG2
* Land Quillwort ("Isoetes histrix") H7
* Dwarf Rush ("Juncus capitatus") H6
* Rock Sea-lavender ("Limonium recurvum") MC1
* Perennial Flax ("Linum perenne" subsp. "anglicum") CG2, CG3
* Hairy Bird's-foot Trefoil ("Lotus hispidus") MC5
* Tufted Loosestrife ("Lysimachia thyrsiflora") W1, W3, M4
* Hutchinsia ("Hornungia petraea") CG7
* Somerset Hair-grass ("Koeleria vallesiana") CG1
* Bur Medick ("Medicago minima") CG7
* Sickle Medick ("Medicago falcata") CG7
* Sand Lucerne ("Medicago sativa" ssp. "varia") CG7
* Oysterplant ("Mertensia maritima") SD3
* Early Sand-grass ("Mibora minima") SD19, MC5
* Fine-leaved Sandwort ("Minuartia hybrida") CG7
* Spring Sandwort ("Minuartia verna") H7, CG10, MC5
* Alpine Forget-me-not ("Myosotis alpestris") CG10
* Dwarf Cudweed ("Omalotheca supina") CG10
* Small Restharrow ("Ononis reclinata") MC5
* Late Spider-orchid ("Ophrys fuciflora") CG2
* Early Spider-orchid ("Ophrys sphegodes") CG2, MC4
* Monkey Orchid ("Orchis simia") CG2
* Burnt Orchid ("Orchis ustulata") CG2
* Orange Bird's-foot ("Ornithopus pinnatus") MC5
* Oxtongue Broomrape ("Orobanche picridis") CG2
* Purple Oxytropis ("Oxytropus halleri") MC10
* Curved Hard-grass ("Parapholis incurva") MC1
* Milk-parsley ("Peucedanum palustre") W2
* Purple-stem Cat's-tail ("Phleum phleoides") CG7
* Round-headed Rampion ("Phyteuma tenerum") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Bulbous Meadow-grass ("Poa bulbosa") MC5
* Early Meadow-grass ("Poa infirma") MC5
* Jacob's-ladder ("Polemonium caeruleum") MG2
* Four-leaved Allseed ("Polycarpon tetraphyllum") MC5
* Dwarf Milkwort ("Polygala amara") CG2
* Chalk Milkwort ("Polygala calcarea") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Whorled Solomon's-seal ("Polygonatum verticillatum") W9
* Ray's Knotgrass ("Polygonum oxyspermum" ssp. "raii") SD2, SD3
* Spring Cinquefoil ("Potentilla neumanniana") CG1, CG7
* Oxlip ("Primula elatior") W8
* "Primula × digenea", the hybrid between Oxlip and Primrose ("P. vulgaris") W8
* Scottish Primrose ("Primula scotica") H7, MC10
* Pasqueflower ("Pulsatilla vulgaris") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Round-leaved Wintergreen ("Pyrola rotundifolia") W2, W3
* Brown Beak-sedge ("Rhynchospora fusca") M1
* Mountain Currant ("Ribes alpinum") W8
* Sand Crocus ("Romulea columnae") MC5
* Alpine Pearlwort ("Sagina saginoides") CG10
* Dwarf Willow ("Salix herbacea") CG10
* Dark-leaved Willow ("Salix myrsinifolia") W3
* Meadow Clary ("Salvia pratensis") CG2
* Perennial Glasswort ("Sarcocornia perennis") SM10
* Rannoch-rush ("Scheuchzeria palustris") M1
* Autumn Squill ("Scilla autumnalis") H7, CG1, MC5
* Spring Squill ("Scilla verna") H5, H6, H7, MC10, CG1, MC5, MC12
* Rock Stonecrop ("Sedum forsterianum") CG1
* Silver Ragwort ("Senecio cineraria") CG1
* Field Fleawort ("Senecio integrifolius" ssp. "integrifolius") CG2, CG3, MC5
* Moon Carrot ("Seseli libanotis") CG2
* Sibbaldia ("Sibbaldia procumbens") CG10
* Sand Catchfly ("Silene conica") CG7
* Nottingham Catchfly ("Silene nutans") MG1, CG2, OV41, OV39, MC4
* Spanish Catchfly ("Silene otites") CG7
* Autumn Ladies'-tresses ("Spiranthes spiralis") CG2, H7
* the dandelion "Taraxacum fulgidum" MG4
* the dandelion "Taraxacum haematicum" MG4
* the dandelion "Taraxacum melanthoides" MG4
* the dandelion "Taraxacum sublaeticolor" MG4
* the dandelion "Taraxacum subundulatum" MG4
* the dandelion "Taraxacum tamesense" MG4
* Cut-leaved Germander ("Teucrium botrys") CG2
* Marsh Fern ("Thelypteris palustris") W2
* Bastard-toadflax ("Thesium humifusum") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Breckland Thyme ("Thymus serpyllum") CG7
* Large Thyme ("Thymus pulegioides") CG2, CG3, CG5
* Large-leaved Lime ("Tilia platyphyllos") W8
* Scottish Asphodel ("Tofieldia pusilla") CG10
* Twin-headed Clover ("Trifolium bocconei") H6, H7
* Western Clover ("Trifolium occidentale") H7, MC10, MC5
* Suffocated Clover ("Trifolium suffocatum") MC5
* Intermediate Bladderwort ("Utricularia intermedia") M1
* Spiked Speedwell ("Veronica spicata") CG1, CG2, CG7
* Spring Speedwell ("Veronica verna") CG7
* Pale Dog-violet ("Viola lactea") H3
* Dune Fescue ("Vulpia membranacea") SD19



* Side-fruited Crisp-moss "Pleurochaete squarrosa" CG7
* Curving Feather-moss "Scorpiurium circinatum" CG1
* Golden Bog-moss "Sphagnum pulchrum" M1, M2
* Neat Crisp-moss "Tortella nitida" CG1


* Greater Pawwort "Barbilophozia lycopodioides" U6


* "Bacidia muscorum" CG7
* "Buellia epigaea" CG7
* "Diploschistes scrupsos" var. "bryophilus" CG7
* "Fulgensia fulgens" CG7
* "Lecidea decipiens" CG7
* "Squamaria lentigera" CG7
* "Toximia caerulea" var. "nigricans" CG7
* "Toximia lobulata" CG7

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