- The Estates
The States or the Estates signifies, in different countries and
dominion s, the assembly of the (feudalistic) representatives of theestates of the realm , called together for purposes oflegislation or deliberation. InGerman speaking countries they were also known by the name "Landtag " (see also Diet).In some
state s, the first estate were theRoman Catholic clergy men, the second estate was composed of thenobility , and the third estate was composed of thebourgeoisie and thepeasants . Bourgeoisie, peasants and one with no estate from birth were separated inSweden andFinland , as late as until 1905.Examples
States of Jersey ,States of Guernsey ,States of Alderney
*States of Holland ,States of Flanders ,States of Brabant , ...
*Estates of Pomerania
*States of Finland
*Sejmik s in thePolish-Lithuanian Commonwealth tates General
In some countries, the estates were called together for the "generality" (
States General or Diet)
* Belgium and the Netherlands:Staten Generaal
* Finland:Diet of Finland
*France :États Généraux ; alsoÉtats provinciaux (Provincial estates)
* Germany: Reichstag
*Scotland :Estates of Parliament , and its sister institution theConvention of Estates
*Spain :Generalitat de Catalunya ,Generalitat Valenciana
*Sweden :Riksdag of the Estates
*Switzerland : Council of States "Ständerat"In some countries the present-day parliament or government still has the historical name.
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