- Stephen Sizer
Infobox Celebrity
name = Stephen Sizer
birth name =
caption = The Reverend Dr Stephen Sizer, USA 2007. Image provided courtesy of Eileen Fleming
birth name =
birth_date = 1953
birth_place =Lowestoft
United Kingdom
nationality = British |
death_date =
death_place =
occupation =Pastor
salary =
spouse =
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website = [http://www.cc-vw.org Christchurch Virginia Water]
[http://www.sizers.org Stephen Sizer]footnotes =
The Reverend Dr. Stephen Robert Sizer (born 1953) is the incumbent at Christ Church,
Virginia Water , anAnglican parish inSurrey ,England . He is author of many articles and audio resources, and several large format books of photography and journeys to theHoly Land , as well as books relating toZionism and the land ofIsrael . His writings have been commended by leading evangelicals including Revd DrJohn Stott , RevdR. C. Lucas , Dr Gary Burge, Professor Gilbert Bilezikian, Dr Stephen Travis and Dr Paul Copan and translated intoPersian andArabic . Rev. Sizer is regularly invited to teach in churches, seminaries and universities in Europe, the Middle East and USA, as an evangelist, bible scholar and theologian.Background and Education
Born in
Lowestoft in 1953, the son of a carpenter, Stephen Sizer showed an early love ofGeography . He began his career working for theDepartment of Health and Social Security (1971-1973) as aSupplementary Benefit s Visiting Officer inEast London . From there he went on to study Geography (African & Asian Studies) atSussex University , (1973-1976). It was while at University, that he became a Christian. After graduation Sizer worked as a Campus Director/student counsellor withAgape at the Universities of London, Liverpool and Sussex. In 1980 he was accepted for training as a minister in the Church of England and gained a Diploma in Theology at Trinity College Bristol. In 1983 he was ordained and became an AssistantCurate for St. Leonard's inSt Leonards-on-Sea . In 1989 he becameRector at St. John's in Guildford, gaining a MA inTheology fromOxford University in 1994. In 1997 Sizer became theVicar of [http://www.cc-vw.org/index.php?id=1&level=1/ Christchurch,Virginia Water ] , where he is now incumbent and obtained aPhD fromOak Hill Theological College andMiddlesex University in 2003. [ The source of this information is the Rev Dr Sizer's CV, and information obtained from the website of [http://www.cc-vw.org/index.php?id=924&level=2/ Christchurch, Virginia Water] ]Beliefs
Stephen Sizer is a
conservative evangelical, a member ofReform (Anglican) and supports theGAFCON initiative. He has several wider roles outside of his parish ministry, many related to his interest inPeace in theMiddle East and to theIsraeli-Palestinian conflict . Sizer believes thatChristian Zionism plays an important part in the politics of theMiddle East , shaping US foreign policy. He argues that Christian Zionism has no biblical foundation or historical precedent.The media present this as a clash between two cultures, Palestinian and Israeli, or Oriental and Western. As I hope to show, the convictions of Christian Zionists have made a significant contribution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Advocates argue that Christian Zionism is born out of the conviction that God has a continuing special relationship with, and covenental purpose for, the Jewish people, apart from the church, and that the Jewish people have a divine right to possess the land of Palestine. This is based on a literal and futurist interpretation of the Bible and the conviction that Old Testament prophecies concerning the Jewish people are being fulfilled in the contemporary State of Israel. [ Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon, Sizer. S, Inter-varsity Press, 2004, p.17 and 20]
A view he disputes in several books and articles on the subject.
My motivation for this book lies in the conviction deeply held, that for Western Christians, especially evangelicals, to ignore or stereotype their Palestinian brothers and sisters, now threatened with extinction, is not only deeply offensive, it is surely a contradiction of our faith, and ultimately immoral before God. It is nothing less than to perpetuate the evil of the Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan who walked by on the other side. [ ibid, p.13]
Dr Sizer specialises in the
theology ,politics andhistory of theMiddle East . He opposes Christian Zionism, as he holds to a Covenantal overview and literal hermeneutic for the Bible. He has received criticism for supportingdivestment from western companies profiting from the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and for promoting the view that theNew Testament re-interprets or leads to a new understanding of theOld Testament . The Rev. Sizer has spent many years travelling throughout the Middle East, giving talks on Biblical interpretation and Christian Zionism, and working for inter-faith dialogue. In his writings, while opposing Christian Zionism, Sizer also repudiates anti-Semitism and other forms of racism:I affirm the right of the State of Israel to exist within secure and internationally recognized borders. Sadly the evidence shows that Israel is a racist and apartheid state. The UN World Conference on Racism, together with US State Country Report, have highlighted the institutional racism within Israeli society. The South African ruling ANC, the Jewish human rights organisation B’Tselem, as well as leading Jewish academics such as Noam Chomsky..have all made similar comparisons between South African and Israeli apartheid. I do not regard such views as anti-Semitic. [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/spectator.htm] Sizer's article]
Dr. Rev. Stephen Sizer's new book, "Zion's Christian Soldiers" aims to shed light on how Jesus, who commanded his followers to forgive ones enemies and love all, has morphed into a militant crusader by many professing Christians in the USA.
Sizer's focus on the
Holy Land , in particularJerusalem , The Temple and the future of the world juxtaposed with the current political climate and neo-con ideology will hopefully wake up many American Christians who have been led astray by the "heretical" ideology ofJohn Hagee ,Hal Lindsay andTim LaHaye ."It is...irresponsible to suggest that God will bless us materially if we support the largely secular State of Israel, especially when this invariably means ignoring the plight of the indigenous Christian population of Palestine."-page 46, "Zion's Christian Soldiers"
Sizer's previous book is the companion to his most recent, for "Christian Zionism-Road Map to Armageddon?" details how Christian Zionism fused with the neo-con political ideology has led millions of Christians astray and help tip the world on its side heavy with military artillery. [http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=5096 ]
Sizer recently debated David Pawson author of "Defending Christian Zionism" on Premier Radio. This debate can be heard live on [http://www.cc-vw.org/audio/pawsondebate.mp3 Pawson/Sizer debate] . He also appeared on Iranian state television to discuss Christian sympathies towards the modern state of Israel.
"when people like Theodore Herzl began to speculate about a Jewish state, it was the Christian community that assisted him to get a hearing among the governments of Europe". [ [http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg3RS-tTIWY] ]
External Roles
Rev Sizer was the former chairman of the
International Bible Society UK, publishers of theNew International Version , the most widely readEnglish Bible . He is a founding member of the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism, a member of the Advisory Council of Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding, a Trustee of the Amos Trust and on the UK Board of Reference for the Mar Elias Educational Institutions in Ibillin, Galilee. He has served as an external examiner for post-graduate degrees (MPhil and PhD) awarded by the University of Wales through the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS), and Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, Bible College of New Zealand. He is also on the editorial board of Living Stones Magazine and a member of Anglican Mainstream.Additional Information
Sizer regularly contributes articles for newspapers and journals including
Evangelicals Now [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/juliafisher.htmIsrael : The Mystery of Peace by Julia Fisher] A Book Review for Evangelicals Now, May 2004
See also "Barak and the Bulldozers of Bethlehem" A series of interviews with Christians in Palestine with an evaluation of the recent Israeli elections, published in Evangelicals Now, August (1999) ] ,Third Way [ "Israel: The Revised Version". A Review of 'Righteous Victims, A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict 1881-1999' by Benny Morris for Third Way] , [http://www.equip.org/site/c.muI1LaMNJrE/b.2106253/ The Christian Research Journal] [ [http://www.equip.org/site/apps/s/google_search.asp?q=stephen%20sizer&spell=1&access=p&output=xml_no_dtd&ie=ISO-8859-1&client=equip_frontend&site=equip&oe=UTF-8&proxystylesheet=equip_frontend&c=muI1LaMNJrE&b=2574195 Articles contributed by Stephen Sizer] ] , [http://www.livingstonesonline.org.uk/ Living Stones] ,Sojourners [ [http://www.sizers.org/articles/annapolis.pdf Annapolis: Optimism Vs. Pessimism An article for Sojourners Magazine January 2008] ] ,Plain Truth [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/AmericanApocalypse.pdf American Apocalypse. Why are some Christian's anxious for Armagfeddon?] Published in Plain Truth May-June 2007] and [http://www.aqsa.org.uk/ Friends of Al Aqsa] [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/travel.html Travelling through the Holy Land: by Donald Bridge] Book review published in Al Aqsa Journal, Vol 1, No. 2, April (1999)] . He is a regular contributor to programmes onPremier Radio ,Press TV [ [http://chrisgelken.blogspot.com/2007/12/first-palestinian-intifada.html"The First Palestinian Intifada" (watch the programme here)] , Press TV Programme Middle East Today with Chris Gelken, Saturday 8th December 2007] ; and theIslamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). He has also appeared on BBC2Newsnight ,Syrian TV andAl Manar TV . In recent years he has lectured at the universities of Oxford [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/wycliffehall.htm Approaching Prophecy Today - The Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism] Lecture delivered at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, March 2003 ] , Cambridge, London, Glasgow, Manchester, Leicester [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/alaqsa2001.htm "The Future of Christianity in the Holy Land?"] Paper given at Leicester University, Septepmber 2001; Manchester University and Imperial College, London University, February 2002 & University of Keele, April 2002] , SOAS, George Washington, North Park Chicago, Baylor, Palm Beach Atlantic, Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shahreza, Qom, Jakarta, Petra, Beirut and Cairo. He has also lectured at the [http://www.ocms.ac.uk/ Oxford Centre of Mission Studies] , [http://www.oakhill.ac.uk/ Oak Hill College] ,Wycliffe Hall ,Tyndale House , the [http://www.proctrust.org.uk/cornhill/cornhill.htm Cornhill Training Course (CTC)] , forTearfund [ [http://www.cc-vw.org/articles/tearfundconference.htm Ethical Tourism and Christian Responsibility: A Case Study] Paper given at Tourism Conference organised by Tear Fund, 31st October 2000 at the Friends House, Euston Road, London] , theIslamic Human Rights Commission ,Cornerstone andGreenbelt .Works
* Panorama of the Bible Lands (Eagle, 2000)
* Holy Land Hollow Jubilee ed. N. Ateek & M. Prior (Melisende, 1999)
* They Came and They Saw ed. M. Prior (Melisende, 2000).
* A Third Millennium Guide to Pilgrimage to the Holy Land ed. D. Macpherson (Melisende, 2000)
* The Land of Promise ed. Philip Johnson & Peter Walker (IVP, 2000)
* Toronto in Perspective ed. David Hilborn (Paternoster, 2001)
* In the Footsteps of Jesus and the Apostles (Eagle, 2004)
* Speaking the Truth about Zionism and Israel ed. Michael Prior (Melisende) 2004
* Heaven on Earth: The Temple in Biblical Theology ed. D. Alexander & S. Gathercole (Paternoster) 2004
* Christian Zionism: Road Map to Armageddon? (IVP 2004)
* Challenging Christian Zionism ed. Naim Ateek (Melisende 2005)
* Zion's Christian Soldiers (IVP October 2007)Gallery
See also
Christian Zionism
*Middle East
*Christian Zionism in the United Kingdom External links
* [http://www.sizers.org Personal Website]
* [http://www.cc-vw.org Christ Church Virginia Water]
* [http://www.ibs.org International Bible Society]
* [http://www.christianzionism.org Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism]
* [http://www.emeu.net Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding]
* [http://www.amostrust.org Amos Trust]
* [http://www.sabeel.org Ecumenical Palestinian Liberation Theology Centre]
* [http://www.fosna.org Friends of Sabeel (North America) - Voice of the Palestinian Christians]
* [http://www.livingstonesonline.org.uk Living Stones Magazine]
* [http://www.middleeastwindow.com/stephensizer.html Middle East Window]References
* http://mishkanstore.org/store/product_info.php?products_id=114 Stephen Sizer and Anti-Zionism by Mike Moore. An expose of the factual and historical errors in "Christian Zionism" published in Mishkan 55 2008, — Israel, the Land, and Christian Zionism.
* http://www.jfjonline.org/Sizer.doc Aaron Abramson's dissertation critiquing Sizer's book "Christian Zionism".
* http://www.c4israel.org/articles/summer2005/html/christian_zionism.html - Christians for Israel - A critique of Sizer's book "Christian Zionism: A Road Map to Armageddon?"
* http://www.cmj.org.uk/articles/sizer.html - Church's Ministry Amongst Jewish People - A Response to Stephen Sizer's criticisms of CMJ and ITAC
* [http://www.midbible.ac.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=105&Itemid=91 Review of Sizer's book, "Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?"] from theMidlands Bible College
* Future Israel - Why Christian Anti-Judaism must be challenged, Barry Horner, B&H Academic (October 15, 2007) ISBN-10: 0805446273. Sizer receives heavy criticism in chapter 4.
* For Zion's Sake: Christian Zionism and the Role of John Nelson Darby, Paul Wilkinson, Paternoster (April 15, 2008) ISBN-10: 1842275690. Sizer is criticised in chapter 2.
* ‘Christians who hate the Jews’, by journalist Melanie Phillips, published in the Spectator magazine, 16 February 2002 http://www.melaniephillips.com/articles/archives/000765.html
* Defending Christian Zionism- a response to Stephen Sizer and John Stott, 2008, David Pawson, Terra Nova Publications International Ltd, 2008, ISBN 9781901949629
* http://www.engageonline.org.uk/blog/article.php?id=259 Dr David Hirsh of the Sociology Department of Goldsmiths College, London, criticises Sizer for using the anti-Semitic language of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
* http://www.antisemitism.org.il/eng/Anti-Semitism The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism names Sizer, in the section Christian Antisemitism and subsection Replacement Theology, as an anti-Zionist who has revived & popularised Replacement Theology.
* http://www.antisemitism.org.il/heb/articles/25855/ Sizer is named as one of those involved in a revival of theological anti-Semitism in the Church of England.
* http://www.christianitytoday.com/bc/2007/001/12.36.html Christianity Today review which accuses Sizer's book Christian Zionism of having "major misrepresentations of historical fact too numerous to list." and "Does InterVarsityPress not have fact-checkers? This is embarrassing."
* http://www.lcje.net/papers/2007/intl/Moore.doc Rev Mike Moore states "Christian Zionism presents a perspective on Israel that is opposite in the extreme to the view held by those with whom Stephen Sizer takes issue." also "Christian Zionism is replete with historical inaccuracies, misrepresentations, libels and citations from Holocaust-deniers, neo-Nazis and anti-Semites."
* http://www.moriel.org/articles/discernment/church_issues/stephen_sizer_and_sons_of_menelaus.htm Stephen Sizer & The Sons of Menelaus by James Jacob Prasch
* http://english.daralhayat.com/opinion/OPED/01-2005/Article-20050108-541b10c8-c0a8-10ed-0060-14f77f79ed48/story.html Geoffrey Alderman, writing in the Jewish Chronicle, accused Middlesex University of giving Sizer a doctorate for "little more than his own religious prejudices dressed up in academic guise."
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