NACE International

NACE International
NACE International
NACE International Logo.png
Type Professional Organization
Founded 1943 [1]
Location Houston, Texas
Key people Dr. Chris Fowler, President[2]
Area served Worldwide
Focus Corrosion
Method Conferences, Publications, Standards [3]
Members 20,312
Motto Protecting People, Assets, and the Environment from the Effects of Corrosion

NACE International is a professional organization for the corrosion control industry established in 1943. As of 2010, there are approximately 22,312 NACE members in over 100 countries. NACE International is involved in every industry and area of corrosion prevention and control, from chemical processing and water systems, to transportation and infrastructure protection. NACE's main focus of activities includes cathodic protection, coatings for industry and material selection for specific chemical resistance.

NACE was formerly known as the National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

NACE publishes the journals Materials Performance (MP) and Corrosion. NACE also publishes standard practice, test method, and material requirements standards for use by industry and other Corrosion societies. Standing committees periodically review and update the standards every five years. An annual conference is held in the United States for the entire organization and several regional meetings and conferences around the world.

NACE is one of many world wide corrosion societies. As according to the NACE standards the pipe materials for sour and corrosive services of industries are selected and manufactured and these material grades are associated with ASME Sec. 2A standards also.

Awards Sponsored

  • The Willis Rodney Whitney Award is given annually for significant contributions to corrosion science, such as the development or improvement of a theory that provides a more fundamental understanding of corrosion phenomena and/or the prevention of corrosion.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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