List of NATO reporting names for hunter-killer and experimental submarines

List of NATO reporting names for hunter-killer and experimental submarines

NATO reporting name for hunter/killer and experimental submarines, with Soviet Navy designations:

* Hunter/Killer Submarines - Nuclear Propelled (Podvodnaya Lodka Atomnaya - "PLA")
** "November" (Project 627 - Kit (Кит) Class)
** "Echo-II"
** "Victor"
*** "Victor-I" (Project 671 - Yorsh (Ёрш) Class)
*** "Victor-II" (Project 671RT - Syomga (Сёмга) Class)
*** "Victor-III" (Project 671RTM - Shchuka (Щука) Class)
** "Alfa" (Project 705 - Lira (Лира) Class)
** "Mike" (Project 685 - Plavnik (Плавник) Class)
** "Sierra"
*** "Sierra-I" (Project 945 - Barrakuda (Барракуда) Class)
*** "Sierra-II" (Project 945A - Kondor (Кондор) Class)
** "Akula"
*** "Akula-I" (Project 971 - Shchuka-B Class)
*** "Akula-II" (Nerpa Class)
** "Severodvinsk" (Project 885)

* Hunter/Killer Submarines - Diesel/Electric Propelled (Podvodnaya Lodka - "PL")
** "Zulu" (Project 611)
** "Whiskey" (Project 613)
** "Quebec" (Project A615)
** "Golf" (Project 629)
** "Golf SSQ"
** "Romeo" (Project 633)
** "Foxtrot" (Project 641)
** "Tango" (Project 641B - Som class)
** "Kilo" (Project 877)
** "Export Kilo"
** "Improved Kilo" (Project 636)

*Experimental/Trial Submarines
** "Bravo" (Project 690 - Kefal class)
** "India" (Project 940 - Lenok class)
** "Lima" (Project 1840)
** "Belouga" (Project 1710)
** "Yankee-Stretch"
** "Yankee-Pod"

:"See also :" NATO reporting name

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