Philip Wadler — à l Université d Edimbourgh Philip Wadler est un informaticien britannique connu pour ses contributions à la conception des langages de programmation et de la théorie des types. Il a contribué en particulier à la théorie de la programmation… … Wikipédia en Français
Wadler — Philip Wadler Philip Wadler à l Université d Edimbourgh Philip Wadler est un informaticien britannique connu pour ses contributions à la conception des langages de programmation et de la théorie des types. Il a contribué en particulier à la… … Wikipédia en Français
Monad (functional programming) — In functional programming, a monad is a programming structure that represents computations. Monads are a kind of abstract data type constructor that encapsulate program logic instead of data in the domain model. A defined monad allows the… … Wikipedia
Haskell (programming language) — Haskell Paradigm(s) functional, lazy/non strict, modular Appeared in 1990 Designed by Simon Peyton Jones, Lennart Aug … Wikipedia
Uniqueness type — In computing, a unique type guarantees that an object is used in a single threaded way, with at most a single reference to it. If a value has a unique type, a function applied to it can be made to update the value in place in the object code. In… … Wikipedia
F-algebra — In mathematics, specifically in category theory, an F algebra for an endofunctor :F : mathbf{C}longrightarrow mathbf{C} is an object A of mathbf{C} together with a mathbf{C} morphism :alpha : FA longrightarrow A. In this sense F algebras are dual … Wikipedia
Initial algebra — In mathematics, an initial algebra is an initial object in the category of F algebras for a given endofunctor F . The initiality provides a general framework for induction and recursion. For instance, consider the endofunctor 1+( ) on the… … Wikipedia
Deforestation (computer science) — In the theory of programming languages in computer science, deforestation (also known as fusion) is a program transformation to eliminate tree structures. The term deforestation was originally coined by Philip Wadler in his paper Deforestation:… … Wikipedia
Orwell (programming language) — Orwell Paradigm(s) Lazy functional Appeared in 1984 Designed by Philip Wadler Influenced by Miranda Influenced Haskell Orwell … Wikipedia
Parkinson's Law of Triviality — Bicycle shed and Bike shed redirect here. For the physical structure, see Shed. Parkinson s Law of Triviality, also known as bikeshedding or the bicycle shed example, is C. Northcote Parkinson s 1957 argument that organisations give… … Wikipedia