- Glomar response
In United States law, the term Glomar response (aka Glomarization or Glomar denialcite web |author=FOIA Update, Vol. VII, No. 1, Page 3 |title=OIP Guidance: Privacy "Glomarization" |publisher=United States Department of Justice |date=1986 |url=http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foia_updates/Vol_VII_1/page3.htm] ) refers to a "neither confirm nor deny" response by agents of
national security toFreedom of Information Act requests. Lower court precedent has thus far ruled the Glomar response to have potential merit, if the secretive nature of the material truly requires it, and only if the agency provides "as much information as possible" to justify its claim. Otherwise, the principles established in FOIA may trump claims to secrecy.The "
Glomar Explorer " was a large salvage vessel built by theCentral Intelligence Agency for its covert "Project Jennifer " —an attempted salvaging of a sunken Sovietnuclear submarine . Aware of the pending publication of a story in the "Los Angeles Times", the CIA sought to stop the story's publication. JournalistHarriet Ann Phillippi requested that the CIA provide disclosure of both the Glomar project and its attempts to censor the story, to which the CIA chose to "neither confirm nor deny" both the project's existence and its attempts to keep the story unpublished. This claim stood, and Phillippi's FOIA request was rejected, though when theFord administration was replaced by theCarter administration in 1976, the government position on the particular case was softened and both of Phillippi's claims were confirmed.cite book |last=Burleson |first=Clyde W |title=The Jennifer Project |publisher=Texas A&M University Press |location=College Station |year=1997] cite book |last=Varner |first=Roy D |title=Matter of Risk: The Incredible Inside Story of the CIA's Hughes Glomar Explorer Mission to Raise a Russian Submarine |publisher=Random House |location=New York |year=1979]The "Glomar response" precedent still stood, and has since had bearing in
FOIA cases such as in the recent "American Civil Liberties Union v. Department of Defense ", wherein Federal JudgeAlvin Hellerstein rejected the Department of Defense andCIA 's use of the Glomar response in refusing to release documents and photos depicting abuse at Abu Ghraib prison.References
External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.