- Man orchid
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image_caption = Man orchid ("Aceras anthropophorum")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo =Asparagales
familia =Orchidaceae
subfamilia =Orchidoideae
tribus =Orchideae
subtribus =Orchidinae
genus = "Aceras"
species = "A. anthropophorum"
binomial = "Aceras anthropophorum"
binomial_authority = (L.)W.T.Aiton The Man orchid ("Aceras anthropophorum") is the only species of the
monotypic orchid genus "Aceras", although this is often placed within the closely related genus "Orchis ", when the species is known as "Orchis anthropophora". Its common name arises from the resemblance of itsflower s to a man, whose head is formed by thepetal s andsepal s, and the suspended torso and limbs by the lobes of thelabellum .Description
The man orchid is a
herbaceous perennial , growing to a height of between 20 and 40 cm. A basal rosette of 5 cm lanceolate leaves develops from atuber of up 6 cm diameter, and between April and June a central flower spike is produced bearing up to fifty small, stemless flowers – the flowers vary from greenish with a yellow-green labellum to green streaked and marked with purple.Habitat
The man orchid favours moderately sunny meadows on dry to well-drained, often
calcareous soil. It is to be found around theMediterranean area, and in central and westernEurope as far north as southernEngland . It also grows in alpine areas, though not at high altitude.Synonyms
* "Aceras anthropomorpha" (Pers.) Steud. 1840
* "Aceras anthropophorum" (L.) Sm. 1818
* "Arachnites anthropophora" F.W. Schmidt 1793
* "Loroglossum anthropophorum" (L.) Rich. 1818
* "Loroglossum brachyglotte" Rich. 1818
* "Ophrys anthropophora" L. 1753
* "Orchis anthropophora" All. 1785
* "Satyrium anthropomorpha" Pers. 1807
* "Satyrium anthropophora" Pers. 1807
* "Serapias anthropophora" (L.) J. Jundz. 1791External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.