Doctorow — ist der Name mehrerer Personen: Cory Doctorow (* 1971), kanadischer Science Fiction Autor E. L. Doctorow (* 1931), US amerikanischer Autor und Herausgeber Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidun … Deutsch Wikipedia
Doctorow — [ dɔktərəʊ], E. L. (Edgar Laurence), amerikanischer Schriftsteller, * New York 6. 1. 1931. Doctorow experimentiert in seinen Romanen mit verschiedenen Gattungs und Stilformen. Seine fantasievolle Montage von historischer Realität und… … Universal-Lexikon
Doctorow, E.L. — ▪ American author in full Edgar Laurence Doctorow born Jan. 6, 1931, New York, N.Y., U.S. American novelist known for his skillful manipulation of traditional genres. Doctorow graduated from Kenyon College (B.A., 1952) and later… … Universalium
Doctorow — noun United States novelist (born in 1931) • Syn: ↑E. L. Doctorow, ↑Edgard Lawrence Doctorow • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author … Useful english dictionary
DOCTOROW, EDGAR LAWRENCE — (1931– ), U.S. novelist and editor. Born in the Bronx, New York, Doctorow began his career as a reader of fiction for TV and film studios. This led him into editorial work, first at New American Library (1959–1964) and then as editor in chief for … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Doctorow, Edgar Lawrence — (b. 1931) American writer. Doctorow was born in New York and educated at Kenyon College. He began his career as an editor, but later he taught at the University of California, Sarah Lawrence College, Yale and New York University. Besides… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Doctorow, E(dgar) L(aurence) — born Jan. 6, 1931, New York, N.Y., U.S. U.S. novelist. Doctorow worked as an editor and has since taught at colleges and universities. His best selling novels have often focused on the working class and the dispossessed of earlier decades in the… … Universalium
Doctorow, E(dgar) L(aurence) — (n. 6 ene. 1931, Nueva York, N.Y., EE.UU.). Novelista estadounidense. Doctorow comenzó trabajando como editor, y desde entonces ha enseñado en diversas universidades. Sus novelas, best seller, se han centrado a menudo en la clase trabajadora y en … Enciclopedia Universal
Doctorow — /dok teuh roh /, n. E(dgar) L(aurence), born 1931, U.S. author and editor. * * * … Universalium
Doctorow — Doc•to•row [[t]ˈdɒk təˌroʊ[/t]] n. big E(dgar) L(aurence), born 1931, U.S. novelist and editor … From formal English to slang