Qawam al-Daula

Qawam al-Daula

Abu'l-Fawaris (April 1000 – October/November 1028) was the Buyid ruler of Kerman (1012-1028). He was the son of Baha' al-Daula.

When Abu'l-Fawaris' brother Sultan al-Daula became the senior amir of the Buyids in 1012, he appointed Abu'l-Fawaris (thereafter known as "Qawam al-Daula") as governor of Kerman. When Sultan al-Daula left Fars for Iraq in around 1017, Qawam al-Daula decided to attack. With the support of the Ghaznavids, he invaded and occupied Fars. A counterattack expelled him from that province, but he managed to retain his hold on Kerman. Sultan al-Daula died in 1024, and his son Abu Kalijar managed to gain control of Fars. Eventually, Qawam al-Daula and Abu Kalijar engaged in hostilities against each other; the fighting ceased only when Qawam al-Daula died in late 1028. He was allegedly poisoned; in any case Abu Kalijar took over Kerman.


* R. N. Frye (1975). "The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume Four: From the Arab Invasion to the Saljuqs". ISBN 0-521-20093-8

*Nagel, Tilman. "Buyids", Encyclopaedia Iranica.

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