Laomedon of Mytilene

Laomedon of Mytilene

Laomedon (in Greek Λαoμέδων; lived 4th century BC), native of Mytilene and son of Larichus, was one of Alexander the Great's generals, and appears to have enjoyed a high place in his confidence even before the death of Philip II, as he was one of those banished by that monarch (together with his brother Erigyius, Ptolemy, Nearchus, and others) for taking part in the intrigues of the young prince.rf|1|arr_3.6 After the death of Philip in 336 BC, Laomedon, in common with the others who had suffered on this occasion, was held by Alexander in the highest honour: he accompanied him to Asia, where, on account of his acquaintance with the Persian language, he was appointed to the charge of the captives.rf|2|arr_3.6 Though his name is not afterwards mentioned during the wars of Alexander, the high consideration he enjoyed is sufficiently attested by his obtaining in the division of the provinces, after the king's death in 323 BC, the important government of Syria.rf|3|diod_18.3_phot_82_92_just_13.4_curt_10.10_app_52 This he was still allowed to retain on the second partition at Triparadisus in 321 BC, but it was not long before the provinces of Phoenicia and Coele-Syria excited the cupidity of his powerful neighbour Ptolemy. The Egyptian king at first offered Laomedon a large sum of money in exchange for his government; but the latter having rejected his overtures, he sent Nicanor with an army to invade Syria. Laomedon was unable to offer any effectual resistance: he was made prisoner by Nicanor, and sent into Egypt, from whence, however, he managed to effect his escape, and join Alcetas in Pisidia.rf|4|phot_92_diod_18.39_43_app_52 It is probable that he took part in the subsequent contest of Alcetas, Attalus, and the other surviving partisans of Perdiccas against Antigonus, and shared in the final overthrow of that party (320 BC), but his individual fate is not mentioned.


*Smith, William (editor); "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Laomedon"] , Boston, (1867).


ent|1|arr_3.6 Arrian, "Anabasis Alexandri", [ iii. 6] ent|2|arr_3.6 [ Ibid.] ent|3|diod_18.3_phot_82_92_just_13.4_curt_10.10_app_52 Diodorus Siculus, "Bibliotheca", xviii. 3; Photius, "Bibliotheca", [ cod. 82] , [ cod. 92] ; Justin, "Epitome of Pompeius Trogus", [ xiii. 4] ; Curtius Rufus, "Historiae Alexandri Magni", [ x. 10] ; Appian, "The Foreign Wars", "The Syrian Wars", [ 52] ent|4|phot_92_diod_18.39_43_app_52 Photius, [ cod. 92] ; Diodorus, xviii. 39, 43; Appian, [ ibid.]

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* [] , [ Laomedon, son of Larichus]


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