Luke Fox

Luke Fox

Luke Fox (or Foxe) (20 October 1586 – c. 15 July 1635) was an English explorer who searched for the Northwest Passage across North America. In 1631, he sailed much of the western Hudson Bay before concluding no such passage was possible. Foxe Basin, Foxe Channel and Foxe Peninsula were named after him. Fox gave names to 27 locations during his voyages, eight of which exist in current usage, including Roes Welcome Sound, named after his friend and sponsor, Sir Thomas Roe. [cite web |url= |title=Thomas James and Luke Foxe |accessdate=2008-04-09 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |] [cite web |url= |title=JSTOR: The History of American Ornithology before Audubon |accessdate=2008-04-09 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |publisher=]


See also

*Ottawa Islands

External links

* [ Biography at the "Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online"]

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