Frederik Winkel Horn

Frederik Winkel Horn

:"See also Frederik Winkel-Horn (1756-1837)"

Frederik Winkel Horn (July 19, 1845November 17, 1898), was a Danish historian and translator. Original archaeologist.


* "Mennesket i forhistorisk tid", 1874 (culture in the old norse time)
* "Nordiske heltesagaer", 1876 (Norse saga)
* "Peder Syv", 1878 (study of Peder Syv) PhD dissertation
* "Den danske litteraturs historie", 2 vol., 1881 (Danish literature history)
* "Dansk Læsebog for skolernes mellemste og højere klasser", 1883 (Co-authored with Otto Borchsenius)
* "Grundtvigs liv og gerning", 1883 (biography of Nicolai Grundtvig)
* "Jomsvikingerne", 1895 (Saga history of scandianvian)

Translations (to Danish)

* "Den ældre Edda", 1869 (The poetic Edda)
* "Billeder af livet paa Island", 3 vol., 1871-1876 (the Iceland sagas)
* "E. Bellamy, Anno 2000-1889", 1889 (Novel)
* "Saxo Grammaticus, Danmarks historie", 1896-1898 (Gesta Danorum)
* "Ludvig Holbergs levnedsbreve", 1897 (about Ludvig Holberg)
* "Michael Kohlhas og andre Fortaellinger", 1897 (about Michael Kohlhas)

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