Partonopeus de Blois

Partonopeus de Blois

Partonopeus de Blois is a French romantic literary hero from the 13th century. The French romance "Partonopeus de Blois" has been assigned, on the strength of an ambiguous passage in the prologue to the "Vie seint Edmund le rei", to Denis Piramus.


The tale is, in its essence, a variation of the legend of Cupid and Psyche. Partenopeus is represented as having lived in the days of Clovis, king of France. He is seized while hunting in the Ardennes, and carried off to a mysterious castle with invisible inhabitants. Melior, empress of Constantinople, comes to him at night, stipulating that he must not attempt to see her for two and a half years. After successfully fighting against the Saracens, led by Sornegur, king of Denmark, he returns to the castle, armed with an enchanted lantern that breaks the spell. The consequent misfortunes have a happy ending.

The tale had a continuation giving the adventures of Fursin or Anselet, the nephew of Sornegur. The name of Partonopeus or Partonopex is generally assumed to be a corruption of Parthenopaeus, one of the Seven against Thebes.

It has been suggested that the word might be derived from Partenay, a supposition colored by the points of similarity between this story and the legend of Melusine (see Jean d'Arras) attached to the house of Lusignan, as the lords of these two places were connected.


*Edition by G. A. Crapelet, with an introduction by A. C. M. Robert, as "Partonopeus de Blois" (2 vols., 1834)
*English "Partonope of Blois", by W. E. Buckley for the Roxburghe Club (London, f862), and another fragment for the same learned society in 1873
*German "Partono pier und Melior of Konrad von Wurzburg" by K. Bartsch (Vienna, 1871)
*"Icelandic Partalpa saga" by O. Klockhoff in "Upsala Universities Arsskrift" for 1887.

See also

*H. L. Ward, "Catalogue of Romances", (i. 689, &c.)
*Eugen Kölbing, "Die verschiedenen Gestaltungen der Partonopeus-Sage", in German. Stud. (vol. ii., Vienna, 1875), in which the Icelandic version is compared with the Danish poem "Persenober" and the Spanish prose "IIiitoria del conde Partinobles"
*E. Pfeiffer, Über die HSS des Part. de Blois in Stengels Ausg. in Abh. vom phil. (No. 25, Marburg, 1885).

External links

* [ An online version]



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