

Infobox River
river_name = Garigliano

caption = The Garigliano near its mouth
origin = near Cassino (FR)
mouth = Tyrrhenian Sea near Minturno
basin_countries= Italy
length = 38 km (158 km including the Liri)
elevation= c. 130 m
mouth_elevation = 0 m
discharge = 120 m³/s
watershed = 5,020 km²
The Garigliano is a river in central Italy.

It forms at the confluence of the rivers Gari (also known as the Rapido) and Liri. Garigliano is actually a deformation of "Gari-Lirano" (which in Italian means something like "Gari from the Liri"). In ancient times the whole course of the Liri and Gagliano was known as the "Liris".

For the most part of its 40 km (25 mile) length, the Garigliano River marks the border between the Italian regions of Lazio and Campania. In medieval times, the river (then known as the "Verde") marked the southern border of the Papal States.

Historical significance

During World War II, the Liri-Gari-Garigliano rivers were at the centre of a system of German defensive lines (the most famous of which is the Gustav Line) around which the battle of Battle of Monte Cassino took place in 1943-44.

Nuclear power plant

From 1959 until 1982 there has been a BWR nuclear power plant named "Garigliano" near the town Sessa Aurunca.

ee also

* Gustav Line

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