- Rewilding Institute
The Rewilding Institute is an organization concerned with the integration of traditional
wildlife andwildland s conservation to advancelandscape -scale conservation. It was founded by environmental activist Dave Foreman. [Foreman, Dave, "Rewilding North America: A Vision For Conservation In The 21st Century" (2004) (Paperback) Publisher: Island Press. ISBN-10: 1559630612 ISBN-13: 978-1559630610.]The Rewilding Institute's mission is to work toward the survival and flourishing of large
carnivore s inNorth America by promoting the establishment of suitable habitats in thewilderness , which are permanently interconnected as to allow their natural movement. They believe that humans and large carnivores can and should co-exist in North America. They wish to undo the damage done by over-hunting, over-logging, and exploitation ofnatural resource s. Through continent-scale conservation efforts, they hope to prevent furtherextinction s of large predators, and to restore them to their function of maintaining theecological balance of animal life in the wild. [ [http://www.rewilding.org Website of the Rewilding Institute.] ] They have proposed reestablishing wild populations of wolves in interconnected, protected habitats, so that they can resume their ecological role. [Chen, Michelle, [http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/4260 "Wolves’ Removal from Endangered List a Disputed ‘Success’." "The New Standard"] ,February 6 ,2007 . RetrievedFebruary 15 ,2007 .] [ [http://www.wpr.org/book/070121a.html "The Rewilding Institute."] Wisconsin Public Radio] As part of their program, they have worked to get wildlife crossings included in interstate highway projects. [ [http://www.mvtelegraph.com/mountain/492794mtnview09-14-06.htm Gomez, Matt, "Project to Help I-40 Safety." "Mountain View Telegraph",]September 14 ,2006 . From "Albuquerque Journal" online edition.]References
External links
* [http://www.rewilding.org Rewilding website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.