- Schwartz-Zippel lemma and testing polynomial identities
Polynomial identity testing is the problem of determining whether a given multivariate
polynomial is the0-polynomial or identically equal to 0. The input to the problem is an "n"-variable polynomial over a fieldF. It can occur in the following forms:; Algebraic form : e.g. Is x_1 + 3x_2 - x_3)(3x_1 + x_4 - 1) cdots (x_7 - x_2) equiv 0. To solve this, we can multiply it out and check that all the co-efficients are 0. However, this takes
exponential time .; Determinant of a matrix with polynomial entries: Let p(x_1,x_2, ldots, x_n) be thedeterminant of the polynomial matrix.; Read-once branching program : also calledbinary decision diagram s.Currently, there is no known sub-exponential time
algorithm that can solve this problem deterministically. However, there are randomized polynomial algorithms for testing polynomial identities. The first of these algorithms was discovered independently by Schwartz and Zippel. [cite web
title= An Explicit Separation of Relativised Random Polynomial Time and Relativised Deterministic Polynomial Time
accessdate= 2008-06-15
author= Richard Zippel
year= 1989
month= February
format= ps]Schwartz-Zippel theorem
The Schwartz-Zippel theorem is a tool commonly used in probabilistic polynomial identity testing. It bounds the probability that a non-zero polynomial will have roots at randomly selected test points. The formal statement is as follows:
Theorem 1 (Schwartz-Zippel). "Let Pin F [x_1,x_2,ldots,x_n] be a non-zero polynomial of degree dgeq0 over a field, F. Let mathrm{S} be a finite subset of F and let r_1,r_2,ldots,r_n be selected randomly from S. Then"
::: Pr [P(r_1,r_2,ldots,r_n)=0] leqfrac{d}
If we denote the event P(r_1,r_2,ldots,r_n)=0 by A and the event P_i(r_2,ldots,r_n)=0 by B, we have
The importance of the Schwartz-Zippel Theorem and Testing Polynomial Identities followsfrom algorithms which are obtained to problems that can be reduced to the problemof polynomial identity testing.
Comparison of two polynomials
"Given a pair of polynomials p_1(x) and p_2(x), is" ::: p_1(x) equiv p_2(x)?
This problem can be solved by reducing it to the problem of polynomial identity testing. It is equivalent to checking if
::: p_1(x) - p_2(x)] equiv 0
Hence if we can determine that ::: p(x) equiv 0, where
::: p(x) = p_1(x);-;p_2(x), then we can determine whether the two polynomials are equivalent.
Comparison of two polynomials (and therefore testing polynomial identities) also hasapplications in 2D-compression, where the problem of finding the equality of two2D-texts "A" and "B" is reduced to the problemof comparing equality of two polynomials Poly_A(x,y) and Poly_B(x,y)
Primality testing
"Given n in mathbb{Z^+}, is n a
prime number ?"A simple randomized algorithm developed by
Manindra Agrawal and Somenath Biswas can determine probabilisticallywhether n is prime and uses polynomial identity testing to do so.They propose that all prime numbers "n" (and only prime numbers) satisfy the followingpolynomial identity:
::: 1+z)^n = 1+z^n (mbox{mod};n).
This is a consequence of the Frobenius Homomorphism.
::: mathcal{P}_n(z) = (1+z)^n - 1 -z^n.,
Then mathcal{P}_n(z) = 0;(mbox{mod};n) "iff n is prime". The proof can be found in [4] . However, since this polynomial has degree n, and since n may or may not be a prime, the Schwartz-Zippel method would not work. Agrawal and Biswas use a more sophisticated technique, which divides mathcal{P}_n by a random monic polynomial of small degree.
Prime numbers are used in a number of applications such as hash table sizing,
pseudorandom numbergenerators and in key generation forcryptography . Therefore finding very large prime numbers(on the order of 10^{10,000}) becomes very important and efficient primality testing algorithmsare required.Perfect matching
"Let G = (V, E) be a graph of mathrm{n} vertices where mathrm{n} is even. Does mathrm{G} contain a
perfect matching ?"Theorem 2 (Tutte): "A
Tutte matrix determinant is not a mathrm{0}-polynomialif and only if there exists a perfect matching."A subset mathrm{D} of mathrm{E} is called a matching if each vertex in mathrm{V} is incident with at most one edge in mathrm{D}. A matching is perfect if each vertex in mathrm{V} has exactly one edge that is incident to it in mathrm{D}. Create a "Tutte matrix" mathrm{A} in the following way:
::: A = egin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & cdots & a_{1mathit{n \ a_{21} & a_{22} & cdots & a_{2mathit{n \ vdots & vdots & ddots & vdots \ a_{mathit{n}1} & a_{mathit{n}2} & ldots & a_{mathit{nn end{bmatrix}
::: a_{ij} = egin{cases} x_{ij};;mbox{if};(i,j) in E mbox{ and } i
j\0;;;;mbox{otherwise} end{cases} The Tutte matrix determinant (in the variables "xij", "i
determinant of this skew-symmetric matrix which coincides with the square of thepfaffian of the matrix "A" and is non-zero (as polynomial) if and only if a perfect matching exists.One can then use polynomial identity testing to find whether mathrm{G} contains a perfect matching.In the special case of a balanced
bipartite graph on n =m + m vertices this matrix takes the form of ablock matrix ::: A = egin{pmatrix} 0 & X \ -X^t & 0 end{pmatrix}if the first "m" rows (resp. columns) are indexed with the first subset of the bipartition and the last "m" rows with the complementary subset. In this case the pfaffian coincides with the usual determinant of the "m × m" matrix "X" (up to sign). Here "X" is theEdmonds matrix .References
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title= Primality and Identity Testing via Chinese Remaindering
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url= http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/330000/322225/p701-schwartz.pdf
title= Fast probabilistic algorithms for verification of polynomial identities
accessdate= 2008-06-15
author= J. Schwartz
year= 1980
month= October
format= pdf
journal= Journal of the ACM
doi= 10.1145/330000/322225/p701-schwartz.pdf
doi_brokendate= 2008-07-06
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