Autovía GC-2

Autovía GC-2

The GC-2 (also the GC2) North Highway in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands). Connects Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with the north little port and village of Agaete. The eastern portion for about 20 km is a superhighway with interchange numbers, the rest of the highway is a two-lane highway, the western part is like a freeway but only two-lanes because it has exit numbers.


The superhighway begins by the beach area of the island or the Canary Islands' co-capital with the highway GC1. The highway runs through the downtown area and links with a roundabout interchange with GC31. The freeway runs within the beaches and the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean for the half part but at around the 20th km, it becomes a highway after the unidirectional parclo interchanges and runs within the coastline, it later has several interchanges and several towns as it passes to the northwest and finally, it ends in Agaete.


The superhighway was first opened in the late-1970s when tourism arrived, it first opened within Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, it later extended to the western part and with the GC31. The superhighway later extended to the coastline and the highway later bypasses towns in the 1980s and the 1990s to Agaete with several towns, that section within Agaete added interchange numbers and exit numbers but it not classifies as a superhighway.


*Las Palmas
*Santa María de Guía de Gran Canaria
*San Bartolomé de Tirajana

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