- Calceolaria
:"For another genus Calceolaria "Heist. ex Fabr.", see its current accepted name
Cypripedium ."
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Calceolaria bilatata"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Lamiales
familia =Calceolariaceae
genus = "Calceolaria"
genus_authority = L."Calceolaria" "L.", also called Lady's purse, Slipper flower and Pocketbook flower,"Botanica. The Illustrated AZ of over 10000 garden plants and how to cultivate them", pp. 166-167 Könemann, 2004. ISBN 3-8331-1253-0] or Slipperwort, is a
genus of plants in theCalceolariaceae family, sometimes classified inScrophulariaceae by some authors. This genus consists of about 388 species ofshrub s,liana s andherb s, and the geographic range extends fromPatagonia to centralMexico , with its distribution centre in Andean region. Calceolaria in latin means shoemaker.Calceolarias have usually yellow or orange flowers, which can have red or purple spots.
The species of "Calceolaria" include:
*"Calceolaria amplexicaulis "
*"Calceolaria darwinii "
*"Calceolaria herbeohybrida " group
*"Calceolaria integrifolia "
*"Calceolaria tomentosa "References
*Andersson, Stephan 2006. On the phylogeny of the genus Calceolaria (Calceolariaceae) as inferred from ITS and plastid matK sequences. "Taxon" 55(1):125-137.
External links
* [http://www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraSpanish/PIC_CALCEOLARIA.php Chilean Calceolarias, in Chileflora, seed provider]
* [http://www.ecuador-images.net/flower.calceolaria.htm A Site devoted to calceolaria]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.