Bernoulli family — Two generations of distinguished Swiss mathematicians. Jakob (1655–1705) and Johann (1667–1748) were the sons of a pharmacist who wanted one boy to study theology and the other medicine. Over his objections, both pursued careers in mathematics,… … Universalium
Bernoulli family — /bɛənuˈji/ (say bairnooh yee), /bəˈnuli/ (say buh noohlee) noun a Swiss family of mathematicians. 1. Jacques or Jacob, 1654–1705, did pioneering work in probability theory and calculus. 2. Jean or Johann, 1667–1748, brother of Jacques; discovered …
Bernoulli — can refer to: *any one or more of the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians in the eighteenth century, including: ** Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782), developer of Bernoulli s principle ** Jakob Bernoulli (1654–1705), also known as Jean or Jacques … Wikipedia
Bernoulli , Jakob I — Bernoulli , Jakob (or Jacques) I (1654–1705) Swiss mathematician Jakob I was the first of the Bernoulli family of scientists to achieve fame as a mathematician. As with the two other particularly outstanding Bernoullis – his brother, Johann I and … Scientists
Bernoulli's principle — n. 〚after BERNOULLI Daniel〛 the statement that an increase in the speed of a fluid produces a decrease in pressure and a decrease in the speed produces an increase in pressure * * * or Bernoulli s theorem Principle that relates pressure, velocity … Universalium
Bernoulli , Johann I — Bernoulli , Johann (or Jean) I (1667–1748) Swiss mathematician Johann I was the brother of Jakob I Bernoulli and was born in Basel, Switzerland. As in the case of several of the Bernoulli family Johann I s father did not encourage him to make a… … Scientists
Bernoulli, Jakob — ▪ Swiss mathematician born January 6, 1655 [December 27, 1654, Old Style], Basel, Switzerland died August 16, 1705, Basel first of the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians. He introduced the first principles of the calculus of variation.… … Universalium
Bernoulli, Daniel — ▪ Swiss mathematician born Feb. 8 [Jan. 29, Old Style], 1700, Groningen, Neth. died March 17, 1782, Basel, Switz. the most distinguished of the second generation of the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians. He investigated not only… … Universalium
Bernoulli — Bernoullian, adj. /beuhr nooh lee/; Ger. /berdd nooh lee/; Fr. /berdd nooh yee /, n. 1. Daniel /dan yeuhl/; Ger. /dah nee el /; Fr. /dann nyel /, 1700 82, Swiss physicist and mathematician born in the Netherlands (son of Johann Bernoulli). 2 … Universalium
Bernoulli , Daniel — (1700–1782) Swiss mathematician Daniel was a son of Johann I Bernoulli. Of all the Bernoulli family he was probably the most outstanding mathematician and certainly the one with the widest scientific interests. Daniel, who was born in Groningen… … Scientists