Homo mermanus

Homo mermanus


caption=A group of Atlantean Homo mermani berate Namor the Sub-Mariner (cover to "Sub-Mariner" #33, art by Sal Buscema).
species="Homo mermanus"
publisher=Marvel Comics
homeworld=Atlantis, Earth
notable members=Namor
subcat=Marvel Comics
sortkey=Homo mermanus|

"Homo mermanus" is a fictional race of gilled aquatic humanoids that has appeared in numerous comic book series published by Marvel Comics. This race is best known as the people who live in the Atlantis of Marvel's shared universe, known as the Marvel Universe. The most notable member of the race is Namor the Sub-Mariner.

An offshoot of the "Homo sapiens" race with an as yet undisclosed origin, "Homo mermanus" are a mammalian species, but with some fish-like characteristics. Each one possesses two twin gills located on their necks near the clavicle bone, which allows them to breathe underwater. Their skin pigmentation can be either blue (most Atlanteans) or green (most Lemurians and nomads)

Their physiology is also much stronger and more durable than that of the "Homo sapiens", necessitated by their exposure to the vast pressure of the deep sea. As a consequence they are physically much stronger than regular humans and can swim up to 30 miles (48 km) per hour. The typical lifespan for a "Homo mermanus" is 150 years. However they cannot survive outside of water for longer than five minutes without aid.

The total population of "Homo mermanus" has been estimated at over 1,000,000 globally.


The "Homo mermanus" are often referred to as "Atlanteans", as it is in the city of Atlantis that their first complex society emerged.

Atlantis itself had been a small above ground continent with many human settlements, when an event 10,000 years ago called the "Great Cataclysm" caused it to be submerged into the sea. 2,000 years later, a group of "Homo mermanus" made the ruins of the human settlements in Atlantis their home and went on to develop a society there using as much of the material as they could scavenge from the wreckage.

500 years after the settlement of Atlantis, another group of "Homo mermanus" left Atlantis to found their own city -this time in a part of the ruins of another continent submerged during the Great Cataclysm - Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.

These "Lemurians" would discover the Serpent Crown in the ruins of their city, and through their Leader Naga's exposure and extensive use of the ancient mystical device, they would become more serpent-like in appearance than their Atlantean cousins.

During the 20th century the "Homo mermanus" race began to come into sustained contact with their human cousins. These contacts have often been hostile, and have included many aborted invasions ("Atlantis Attacks" etc.) and even separate occasions when large numbers of "Homo mermanus" were rendered comatose or sterilized for periods. During the Second World War the kingdom of Atlantis also fought against the Axis Powers in alliance with the Allied Powers.

However, not all interactions between "Homo sapiens" and "Homo mermanus" have been hostile - during the 1920s a "Homo mermanus" female, Princess Fen of Atlantis mated with the human sea captain Leonard McKenzie - a union which produced the first human/Atlantean hybrid - Namor, the Sub-Mariner.

In the aftermath of the Civil War and the World War Hulk events the "homo mermanus", blamed of terrorism due to the actions of Kamar, militaristic son of Namor, are forced to leave the seas, using the established sleeper cells to live within humanity. At now, Atlantean Army resides in Latveria, hosts of Doctor Doom, and the civilians live along the rest of humanity.


"Homo mermanus" is divided between the Atlanteans and the splinter group that settled in the sunken continent of Lemuria and took the name of Lemurians. They differed as they possessed a more reptilian greenish skin color compared to the blue skinned Atlanteans.

Known Atlanteans

Golden Age Characters

* Namor McKenzie ["Motion Picture Funnies Weekly" #1] - Ruler of Atlantis; member of the Invaders, Defenders, Avengers; retained his mutant powers after M-Day.
* Byrrah ["Sub-Mariner Comics #35 1954] - Cousin of Namor and challenger of the Throne; currently deceased.
* Chemil ["Human Torch Comics #5 1941] - Wartime nurse
* Daka [Marvel Mystery Comics #24, 1941] - uncle of Namor and possibly the father of Byrrah; briefly took over the crown of Atlantis before Pearl Harbor; later allied with the Nazis and the Seal People and led an invasion of Argentina
* Dorma [Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1] - wife of Namor; currently deceased.
* Ertve [Marvel Mystery Comics #4] - Wartime High Priest and member of the Council of Three.
* Fen [Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1] - Mother of Namor; currently deceased
* Folma [Human Torch Comics #3] - Wartime lieutenant
* Harla [Sub-Mariner Comics #5, 1942]
* Jadda [Sub-Mariner Comics #5, 1942]
* Karal [Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1, 1939]
* Lerza [Sub-Mariner Comics #5, 1942]
* Lucas [Sub-Mariner Comics #1, 1941]
* Mara [Human Torch Comics #7, 1942]
* Mel [Sub-Mariner Comics #1, 1941]
*Namora (Aquaria Nautica Neptunia) - Cousin of Namor ["Marvel Mystery Comics" #82]
* Nostromas ["Human Torch Comics" #5] - Wartime physician
* Petrod ["Marvel Mystery Comics" #4] - wartime sentry.
* Sarna [Human Torch Comics #7, 1942]
* Thakorr ["Motion Picture Funnies Weekly" #1] - Namor's Grandfather; currently deceased
* Til [Marvel Mystery Comics #4, 1940]

Modern Age Characters

* Amir ["Wolverine vol. 2 #42]
* AmoComic book reference | Writer = Gerry Conway | Penciller = George Perez | Inker = Pablo Marcos | Story = When Strikes Attuma? | Title = Avengers | Issue = 154 | Date = December 1976 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Andromeda AttumasenComic book reference | Writer = Peter B. Gillis | Penciller = Don Perlin | Inker = Kim DeMulder | Story = Another Runner | Title = Defenders | Issue = 143 | Date = May 1985 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ] - former member of the Dragon Circle and the Defenders.
* Arath ["Sub-Mariner" #1, 2007]
* Argos ["Sub-Mariner" #3 (2006)]
* Arkus ["Sub-Mariner" #63 (Jul 1973)] - Military Officer
* Ashur ["New Warriors #3, 1999]
* Askid ["Namor #6, 2003]
* At'la'tique ["New Thunderbolts" #1]
* Attuma ["Fantastic Four" #33 (1964)] - Barbarian warlord and usurper; currently deceased.
* Attumacht ["Night Thrasher #11, 1994]
* Azir ["Marvel Premiere" #17]
* Balaal ["Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #9, 1989]
* Banara ["Sub-Mariner #1, 2007]
* Beemer ["Namor #1, 2003]
* Betty ["Hulk/Sub-Mariner 1998 Annual, 1998]
* Blabek ["Marvel Mystery Comics #4, 1940]
* Bloodtide ["New Thunderbolts #1] - member of Fathom Five.
* Bobo ["Namor #1, 2003]
* Brodar ["Sub-Mariner #31, 1970]
* BurkaComic book reference | Writer = Roger Stern | Penciller = John Buscema | Inker = Tom Palmer Sr | Story = Assault On Atlantis | Title = Avengers | Issue = 272 | Date = October 1986 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Cirin ["Sub-Mariner #4, 2007]
* CorakComic book reference | Writer = Kurt Busiek & Erik Larsen | Penciller = Erik Larsen | Inker = Sal Buscema | Story = Headhunt | Title = Defenders vol. 2 | Issue = 5 | Date = July 2001 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Coral [Sub-Mariner #56, 1972] - currently deceased
* Crab [Marvel Comics Presents #12, 1989]
* Dakkor (Iron Man Annual #10, 1989]
* Dara [Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #1, 1984] - currently deceased
* Dashakissue
* Deathcharge [Namor the Sub-Mariner Annual #4]
* Delta Nine [Namor the Sub-Mariner #20, 1991]
* Dragonrider ["Sub-Mariner" #1 (Sep 1984)]
* Eel [New Mutants Annual #5] - mutant; leader of SURF; current status and whereabouts unknown.
* Elanna [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* Epititus [Web of Spider-Man Annual #4, 1989]
* Fara [Incredible Hulk #118, 1969] - currently deceased
* Fathom Five ["New Thunderbolts" #1] - members include Bloodtide, Dragonrider, Llyron, Manowar and Sea Leopard
* Gorgul [Sub-Mariner #4, 1968]
* Gort
* GovanComic book reference | Writer = Paul Jenkins | Penciller = Lee Weeks | Inker = Nelson and Lee Weeks | Story = Sleeper Cell Part 6 | Title = Civil War: Front Line | Issue = 8 | Date = January 2007 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ] - Ambassador of Atlantis
*GrokkuComic book reference | Writer = Steve Englehart | Penciller = Sal Buscema | Inker = Frank McLaughlin | Story = If Atlantis Should Fall | Title = Defenders | Issue = 8 | Date = September 1971 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Ikthon [Sub-Mariner v1 #7] - Head Scientist
* Immannu ["Namor" #34]
* Jakka [Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #2, 1984] - currently deceased
* Janus [Wolverine vol. 3 #43] - Sleeper agent
* Joe AtlantisComic book reference | Writer = Paul Jenkins | Penciller = Ramon F. Bachs | Inker = John Lucas | Story = Part Three | Title = Civil War: Front Line | Issue = 3 | Date = September 2006 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Kalen [Namor the Sub-Mariner #38, 1993]
* Kamar [Sub-Mariner #1 (2007)] - son of Namor; former member of 13th Cell; currently deceased
* Kamuu [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* Kavorissue
* Keerg ["Marvel Team-Up" vol. 2 #8] - warlord
* Kor-Konn (Sub-Mariner #4, 1968)
* Kormok - High Priest - First appeared in "Sub-Mariner" #17 (Sep 1969)
* Korra ["Namor" vol. 2 #1] - grandmother of Namor; presumed deceased.
* Korroissue
* Krakos [Sub-Mariner #1, 2007]
* Krang ["Fantastic Four Annual" #1 (1963)] - Exiled warlord and former member of the Serpent Squad
* Kyral [Namor the Sub-Mariner #20, 1991]
* Llyron ["Namor" #50] - pseudo-clone of Namor; member of Fathom Five.
* Lord Arno
* Lorvex ["Sub-Mariner" #54 (Oct 1972)]
* Madoxx ["Sub-Mariner" #64 (Aug 1973)]
* Mako ["Marvel: The Last Generation" #12] - genetic creation of Vyrra; presumed deceased.
* Mako
* Manowar ["New Thunderbolts" #1]
* Marcanissue
* Minnow [Marvel Comics Presents #12, 1989]
* Morcan ["USAgent" vol. 2 #2] - criminal
* Morel [Namor the Sub-Mariner #35, 1993]
* Mussels [Marvel Comics Presents #12, 1989]
*Namorita Prentiss ["Sub-Mariner" #51 (Jul 1972)] - clone of Namora; former member of the New Warriors; killed by Nitro
* Nautak [Marvel Comics Presents #121, 1993] - currently deceased
* Nereus ["Namor" #36]
* Nia Noble ["Invaders" vol. 3 #2] - half Atlantean; Queen of Neptunia.
* Numara D'athahr ["New Thunderbolts" #3]
* Orelem [Night Thrasher #11, 1994]
* Orka ["Sub-Mariner" #23 (Sep 1970)] - mutated warrior; former member of Heroes for Hire; currently deceased.
* Orrek [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* Ossem [Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #9, 1989]
* Paul ["Wolverine" vol. 3 #44]
* People of the Black SeaComic book reference | Writer = Gerry Conway | Penciller = Gene Colan | Inker = Tom Palmer Sr | Story = And So Enters The Amazing Spider-Man | Title = Daredevil | Issue = 77 | Date = June 1971 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Politus [Wolverine #42, 2006]
* Proteus [Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #2, 1984]
* Proteus [Sub-Mariner #36, 1971]
* Raman ["Sub-Mariner" #66 (Oct 1973)]
* RaminComic book reference | Writer = John Byrne | Penciller = John Byrne | Inker = John Byrne | Story = Biology Class | Title = Alpha Flight | Issue = 14 | Date = September 1984 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Ramonissue
* Relunissue
* Remora [Namor the Sub-Mariner #46, 1994]
* Rennar [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* RongaComic book reference | Writer = Ed Hannigan | Penciller = Don Perlin | Inker = Tex Blaisdell | Story = Battle Royal | Title = Defenders | Issue = 84 | Date = June 1980 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Ruthar [Marvel Comics Presents #7, 1988]
* Saru-San [Sub-Mariner #4, 1968] - presumed deceased
* Seahorse [Marvel Comics Presents #12, 1989]
* Seaweed [Marvel Comics Presents #12, 1989]
* SerestusComic book reference | Writer = Kurt Busiek | Penciller = Alan Davis | Inker = Mark Farmer | Story = Global Presence | Title = Avengers vol. 3 | Issue = 43 | Date = August 2001 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Seth ["Tales to Astonish" #98 (Dec 1967)]
* Shakkoth ["Sub-Mariner" vol.2 #1 (1984)] - High Priest and member of Council of Three and At'La'Tique.
* Shalak [Namor the Sub-Mariner #15, 1991]
* Sharkskin [New Mutants Annual #5, 1989]
* ShemComic book reference | Writer = Roger Stern | Penciller = John Buscema | Inker = Tom Palmer Sr | Story = Captives | Title = Avengers | Issue = 282 | Date = August 1987 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ]
* Squid ["Marvel Comics Presents" #12] - Leader of the School.
* Stegar [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* Sulomor ["New Invaders" #0] - delegate to Mazikhandar; currently deceased
* Talan [Namor the Sub-Mariner #20, 1991]
* Tanas [Sub-Mariner #64, 1973]
* TarevaComic book reference | Writer = Roger Stern | Penciller = Mike Mignola | Inker = Mark Badger | Title = Doctor Strange & Doctor Doom: Triumph & Torment | Issue = 1 | Date = 1989 | Publisher = Marvel Comics | ] - Soceress
* Teneelissue
* Thakos ["Sub-Mariner" #16 (Aug 1969)] - Warlord and member of the Council of Three.
* Thallo [Namor the Sub-Mariner #20, 1991]
* The Mad Twins [Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner #3, 1984]
* Timoran [Sub-Mariner #1, 2007]
* Tornaga
* Trident Teamissue
* Tyrak - Size-changing criminal.
* U-Man (Meranno) ["Invaders" #3 (1975)]
* Undertow [New Mutants Annual #5, 1989]
* Unforgiven Dead/Old Onesissue
* Vashti Cleito-Son ["Tales to Astonish] " #71 (Sep 1965)] - Grand Vizier and member of Council of Three.
* Vayor [Sub-Mariner #4, 2007]
* Volpan ["Sub-Mariner" #63 (Jul 1973)]
* Vyrra ["Namor the Sub-Mariner" #19 (1991)] - Outlaw geneticist; currently deceased.
* Worta [Sub-Mariner #31, 1970]
* Xiomara [Marvel Comics Presents #121, 1993]
* Zantor [Hulk/Sub-Mariner 1998 Annual, 1998]
* Zantor [Tales to Astonish #72, 1965]
* Zarina ["Namor" #5 (2003)] - aunt of Namor
* Zartra [Sub-Mariner #66, 1973]
* Zoga ["Marvel Comics Presents" #7] - Mutated rebel; currently deceased.
* Zoran [Sub-Mariner #3, 2007]

Other Media

Video games

The game "" has a stage where the players must travel to the underwater city of Atlantis to stop a riot orchestrated by Attuma who believed he would become the sea kingdoms new ruler as foretold in the Atlantean Chronicles. Within the game, there is also a temple devoted to Negrete whose shrine was protected by temple guardians trained to defeat any trespassers. The Eyes of Negrete were holy objects used by the temple priests for access to the inner sanctums of the temple. In the Atlantis briefing, Captain America mentions that the Atlanteans aren't fans of the surface dwellers.


*Gruenwald, Mark & Sanderson, Peter (1985). "Atlanteans". In #1: Abomination - Batroc's Brigade pp. 38–39. New York: Marvel Comics.
*Gruenwald, Mark & Sanderson, Peter (1985). "Atlantis". In Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Deluxe Edition #1: Abomination- Batroc's Brigade pp. 40–41. New York: Marvel Comics.

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