
Classification Vassal, Landlord, Gentry, Scribe
Religions Hinduism
Languages Malayalam
Populated States Kerala
Subdivisions Septs based on Tharavadu of descent.

Menon is a clan of the Nair community of Kerala and was an honorific hereditary title to be used as an affix to the name and investituted by the Sāmudiri Rāja on certain members of Kiryathil and Akattu Charna classes of Nairs.[1][page needed] Menons who belonged to the Kiriyathil were Vassals to the Kings. The most important of the Zamorin's samanthans (vassals) included Menons of Eranad [2] . Some of them who belonged to other subdivision of this clan are devoted to administrative duties and involved writing and casting accounts.[1][page needed] The recipient of the title held it lifelong or his family held it in perpetuity along the matrilineal line, depending on the amount of money known as Adiyara paid for securing the same and as soon as a person was dignified with this title he was presented with an Ola (palmyra leaf for writing on) and a style, the symbols of an accountant.[3]


Menons are divided into Three categories based on the services they render: Charna Menon, Menon Panicker, and Pattola Menon.[4][Full citation needed]



  1. ^ a b Nairs of Malabar. Asian Educational Services, by Fawcett. F, NewDelhi. 1990.
  2. ^ Logan, William. Malabar Manual by William Logan. pp167. 
  3. ^ Castes and Tribes of Southern India, by Edgar Thurston, page 296.
  4. ^ Sociological bulletin , Band 7-9 by Indian Sociological Society.

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