- Gillian Rose
:"This page is about the philosopher Gillian Rose. For the geographer, see
Gillian Rose (geographer) ."Gillian Rose (20 September 1947 -9 December 1995 ) was a British scholar who worked in the fields ofphilosophy andsociology .Biography
She was born into a liberal
Jew ish family. The academic and writerJacqueline Rose was her sister. She was Reader at the School of European Studies (theUniversity of Sussex ) and then Professor of Social and Political Thought at theUniversity of Warwick from 1989 to her death in 1995. As part of her thinking into the Holocaust, Professor Rose was engaged by the Polish Commission for the Future of Auschwitz in 1990. Her work included criticisms ofneo-Kantianism andpost-modernism . She made adeathbed conversion toChristianity [Wolf, Arnold Jacob. " [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0411/is_n4_v46/ai_20583585 The Tragedy of Gillian Rose] ." "Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought" 46, no. 184 (1997).] .Works
*"The Melancholy Science, An Introduction to the Thought of
Theodor W. Adorno " (1978)
*"Hegel Contra Sociology" (1981)
*"Dialectic Of Nihilism: Post-Structuralism and Law" (1984)
*"Architecture to Philosophy - The Postmodern Complicity", an article in "Theory, Culture & Society", Volume 5(2-3), June 1988 special edition on "Postmodernism".
*"The Broken Middle: Out of Our Ancient Society" (1992)
*"Judaism and Modernity" (1993)
*"Love's Work: A Reckoning With Life" (1995)
*"Mourning Becomes the Law: Philosophy and Representation" (1996)
*"Beginnings of the Day: Fascism and Representation", paper in "Modernism, Culture and 'the Jew' " (1998) [the book is dedicated to Rose]
*"Paradiso" (1999)Works by Rose's students
*"Contradiction of Enlightenment: Hegel and the Broken Middle" by Nigel Tubbs
*"Challenges to German Idealism: Schelling, Fichte and Kant" by Kyriaki Goudeli
*"Julia Kristeva: Psychoanalysis and Modernity" by Sara Beardsworth
*"Writing the Holocaust: Identity, Testimony, Representation" by Zoe Waxman
*"Truth and Social Science: from Hegel to Deconstruction" by Ross Abbinnett
*"Max Weber and Postmodern Theory: Rationalization versus Re-enchantment" by Nicholas GaneNotes
External links
* [http://www.radicalphilosophy.com/default.asp?channel_id=2191&editorial_id=9844 Obituary from "Radical Philosophy"]
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0411/is_n4_v46/ai_20583585 The tragedy of Gillian Rose, by Arnold Jacob Wolf]
* [http://the.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/60/1/42 Mind the G]
* [http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/acnsarchive/acns1000/acns1064.html Sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Christmas Day 1996]
* [http://hometown.aol.com/vwlloyd/Rose-Bibliography-June08.pdf Bibliography of Works By and About Rose]
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