

Khayelitsha (pronEng|ˌkaɪəˈlitʃə) is a partially informal township in South Africa, on the outskirts of Cape Town in the Cape Flats. The name is Xhosa for "Our New Home".

The Group Areas Act, passed in the 1950s, prohibited Blacks from living in the cities. The discrimination and black population control by the apartheid regime did not prevent blacks from settling in the outskirts of Cape Town. After the scrapping of pass laws in 1987 many blacks, mainly Xhosas, moved into areas around Cape Town in search of work. By this time many blacks were already illegally settled in townships (black neighbourhood) like Nyanga and Crossroads. As the black population grew, the apartheid regime sought to solve the problem by establishing new black neighbourhoods. Khayelitsha was established in 1985.

The Western Cape was a preference area for the local coloured population and a system called influx control was in place preventing Xhosas from traveling from the Transkei without the required permit. After the historic 1994 elections hundreds of thousands moved to urban areas in search of work, putting up shacks made of tin, wood and cardboard - this is one of them.

Apartheid is over, but its legacy - and the shacks, remain. Today Khayelitsha is home to between 500,000 and 1 million people, and runs for a number of kilometres along the N2. The ethnic makeup of Khayelitsha is approximately 90% Black African and 10% Coloured, with Xhosa being the predominant language of the residents.

came to power in the country in 1994, the ruling party claims that living conditions in the township have improved markedly. There have been many developments such as new brick housing being built, new schools being built, and the creation of a central business district in the Township. However many residents strongly dispute the claim that the quality of life has improved. They claim that crime rates remain very high and that only a small portion of residents see improvements as a result of infrastructure and welfare interventions.

International Funding and Partnerships

As Cape Town's largest township, Khayelitsha attracts funding from international aid agencies. A number of partnerships with international companies, governments and NGOs have been set up:

1. UK partnerships have been brokered through the work of the Specialists Schools and Academies Trust [ SSAT]
2. A successful initiative at Ikhwezi Lesizwe Primary School has brought company support for Technology. UK based Ramesys have donated software and kit to allow good web communications. Smart Technology from Canada have donated an interactive whiteboard
3. Another such group based in Zion, Illinois, USA is Partners Across the Ocean which has brought Khayelitsha high school learners to the USA and built a computer lab in Khayelitsha [] .
4. The South Africa Community Fund has been active in the nieghbourhood of Harare, Khayelitsha, bringing groups of students from Arizona State University and other volunteers for home stays and community immersions. []
5. German partnerships with the City of Cape Town through an organisation called VPUU (Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading) is responsible for the building of community centers and gardens, and the sponsorship of soccer clubs.


Recently a tourist centre opened in the township on Look Out Point, or Lookout Hill [] one of the highest hills in the area on the corner of Mew Way & Spine Road. There are also numerous organisations which offer "township tours", such as Grass Roots Tours [] , who support Khayelitsha through social tourism. There are also opportunities for social tourism as volunteers in numerous projects around Khayelitsha. One example is the Indlovu Centre in Endlovini, Khayelitsha on Mew Road [] .


There are three Provicinal Government clinics in Khayelitsha. Khayelitsha (Site B) CHC (Community Health Clinic) is the principal clinic, and is the only 24 hour trauma and emergency unit in the township. Michael Maphongwana (Harare) CHC and Nolungile (Site C) CHC are the other Provicinal Government clinics.

There are also numerous small municipal clinics throughout the township, including Empilisweni Clinic (Harare), Khayelisha Site B Youth Centre (Site B), Khayelitsha (Site B) Clinic, Luvuyo Clinic (Makaza), Matthew Goniwe Clinic (Makaza), Mayenzeke Clinic (Harry Gwala), Nolungile Clinic (Site C)and Zakhele Clinic (Sections A-J). Services offered at these municipal clincs include Child Health, Family planning, TB treatment, HIV testing, Pap Smears and treatment and diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Infections.

Films set in Khayelitsha

* U-Carmen eKhayelitsha, a 2005 Xhosa film adaptation of Bizet's Carmen, set in Khayelitsha
* The Wooden Camera

ee also

* District Six
* [Specialists Schools Trust [ SSAT]
* Partners Across The Ocean
* Mitchell's Plain
*Chris Hani Secondary School

External links

* [ BBC Photo Story - Khayelitsha]


* [ City of Cape Town Department of Health]

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