TFT may refer to:


*The Tropical Forest Trust, a UK organization concerned with establishing responsible wood procurement policies for tropical woods


*Texans for Truth, an American political action group


*"", an expansion to the video game "Warcraft III"
*"The Fantasy Trip", a role playing game designed by Steve Jackson
*"Task Force Talon", a faction from the video game "Act of War: Direct Action"


*Thin film transistor commonly used in flat-screen displays, see TFT LCD


*The UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television

Medicine and psychology

* Thyroid function tests, a collective term for blood tests used to check the function of the thyroid
* Thought Field Therapy, a type of Energy psychology therapy, developed by Dr Roger Callahan
*Trauma-Focused Therapy, a mental health treatment for people who have experienced trauma such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Mass media

*"The Friday Thing", an online weekly newsletter from London-based independent publishing house The Friday Project


*Toy Fox Terrier, a small terrier breed of dog
*Tit for tat, an English expression meaning "equivalent retaliation" and a highly effective strategy in game theory
* Task Force Tarawa, the name of the 2nd Marine Brigade during the 2003 invasion of Iraq
* Transaction Fell Through, during escrow in a real estate transaction, if someone of either the selling side or buying side is unable to fulfill their side in a contract, it is considered cancelled, and it often referred to as a "TFT", a transaction that has fallen through

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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