Marxist-Leninist Students League
- Marxist-Leninist Students League
Marxist-Leninist Students League (in Dutch: "Marxistisch-Leninistische Studentenbond") was the students wing of the Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands (marxist-leninist) (KEN-ml). MLS was founded in 1970.
In 1971 the name of the organization was changed to Communist Students League ("Kommunistiese Studenten Bond"). The central organ of KSB was "Rode Studentenpers":
ee also
* Young Communist League (Netherlands)
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Marxist–Leninist Students League — Marxist Leninist Students League (in Dutch: Marxistisch Leninistische Studentenbond) was the students wing of the Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands (marxist leninist) (KEN ml). MLS was founded in 1970. In 1971 the name of the… … Wikipedia
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Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist) (USA) — Part of the Politics series on Maoism … Wikipedia
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Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (USA) — The Communist Party (Marxist Leninist) was a Maoist political party in the United States. Its predecessor organization, the October League, was founded in 1971 by several local groups, many of which had grown out of the radical student… … Wikipedia
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