Uhtred of Hwicce

Uhtred of Hwicce

Uhtred was the King of Hwicce, jointly with Eanberht and Ealdred.

In 757 Eanberht, Uhtred, and Ealdred, granted land to Bishop Milred [http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=seek&query=S+55] , and in 759 to Abbot Headda [http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=seek&query=S+56] .

In 770 Uhtred issued a charter to his thegn Æthelmund [http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=seek&query=S+59] .

Another grant [http://www.anglo-saxons.net/hwaet/?do=seek&query=S+57] , to thegn Coelmund, is dated 756, apparently in error for 777, 778, or 779.

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