- Dragonmead
The Dragonmead is a U.S. microbrewery that was founded by Earl Scherbarth, Larry Channel, and Bill Wrobel in January of 1997. The brewery is located in Warren, Michigan located on 14600 E. 11 Mile Rd.
Before opening the Dragonmead Larry Channel and Bill Wrobel worked for Chrysler while Early Scherbarth worked at Ford. Channel said that their first interest in beer and brewing started with a home brew kit that was bought for Scherbarth's birthday.[1]
“What ended up happening was, we were near death by the end of the day. It was really hard cracking grain, doing all the items. We worked 12 to 14 hours and ended up just having 10 gallons of beer at the end of that time,” Channell said. “We thought that might be the end of it, but we kept on working on it; and two weeks later when that beer came out, it tasted really good.”[2]
- Larry ChannelAfter their first encounter with home brew kit, they decided to try different methods and ingredients to create new formula's and new beers.
“It got to the point where we went from three people, actually four, working 12 hours or so at a time or longer to make 10 gallons of beer, and then we were able to do, by the time we were done in about six months, one person brewing 50 gallons of beer by themselves while the other three of us sat around and drank,” Channell said. “So it worked out pretty well, and we did that by just redesigning the process over and over.”[3]
- Larry ChannelDuring this time period the group of friends were looking into starting a business but had not looked into brewing but were thinking more in the areas of computers or printing.[4] After the "trio" got familiar with beer and the process of brewing Wrobel proposed that they start a brewery. Though Channel resisted the idea at first he later decided to join in. A year after proposing the idea the partners opened the Dragonmead in May 1998.
Current Day
The Dragonmead now has over 47 beers on tap and has 52 taps.[5] The brewery's storage facility contains over 77 different types of grains from 7 different countries.[6] The Dragonmead produces three barrels of beer in each batch totaling to about 1,500 barrels of beer annually.[7] The bars interior is similar to one you would find in an English style pub and most of the artwork revolve around a medieval theme.
The Brewing Process
The Dragonmead follows roughly the same procedure that typical of any other microbrewery. The storage facility contains over 77 different barley grains from which are chosen to go off to mashing in which the grains are crushed and soaked in water creating a sweetened liquid called a malt using three mash tuns[6]. After mashing the substance enters the brewing stage where hops are added to the malt, fermented with yeast, and are sent off to be boiled or brewed. Once the brewing process is finished the beer goes off to cooling tanks which is when the yeast eats the sugar and turns it into alcohol. Entering the final stage the beer is filtered, carbonated, and then sent off to storage ready to be used.[6] See Brewing methods.
The Beer
This list of drinks along with the descriptions are from the original Dragonmead website.
American Style Ales [8]
- Big Larry's Pale Ale
Just shy of an Imperial IPA, this dry hopped beer is soon to become a favorite for American hop-heads. Low to moderate malt character blends nicely with the combination of Chinook, Centennial and Cascade hops. ABV 7.0%
- Broken Paddle India Pale Ale
If you like your beer on the bitter side then this one's for you. This American Style IPA uses Pale Ale, Munich, and Caramunich malt blest with Cascade, Chinook, Willamette and Centennial (dry hopped) hops to create a brew that is fit for the hop addicts. O.G. 1.060, ABV 6.0%
- Castlebrite Apricot Ale
Castlebrite is the first fruit beer to come from Dragonmead. This Apricot Ale uses an apricot puree as well as Pale Wheat malt to bring about this wonderfully refreshing brew. This beer starts with a subtle sweetness and slight apricot flavor, and finishes with a palate-cleansing tartness that will leave you wanting more. ABV 5.1%
- Corktown Red
Carmel, Crystal and Munich malts are combined with choice American two-row malted barley to create this beer named for Detroit's historic community. Four separate additions of hops give this beer a complex taste that can be enjoyed anywhere. O.G. 1.064, ABV 6.0%
- Crooked Door Amber Ale
The American hop Cascade is used to give this brew its classic American Aroma. Pale and Crystal malt from the U.S. are used to give this beer a medium body and high hop flavor. This beer goes down easily and opens the door to a world of microbrewed beers. O.G. 1.050, ABV 5.0%
- Dragon Daze Hemp Ale
Dragonmead's Hemp ale has a great deal of malt character, in part, from the Chocolate Malt used in the brew. The Cascade hops give this beer a clean hop finish, but it's the roasted hemp seed that makes the flavor remarkable. Slightly roasty and nutty, Dragon Daze's complexity is sure to amuse. ABV 4.3%
- Lancelot's Cream Ale
This American Cream Ale is very light in color and body and has almost no hop bitterness. Lancelot's is a refreshing brew, from the beginning, when its tangy carbonation hits your tongue, to the finish where its pilsner-esque malt and hop flavors subtly fill your palate. ABV 5.3%
- Lil's Grumpkin Pumpkin Ale
This American Spiced Ale is reminiscent of your favorite autumn dessert: pumpkin pie. The nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon that create this beer's delicious aroma are balanced against the malts and pumpkin in this recipe to give this spicy treat its charming flavor profile. Lil’s Grumpkin Pumpkin is only available while supplies last. ABV 4.9%
- Mariann's Honey Brown
A light brown beer flavored with brown sugar and honey, this beer is refreshingly light. Pale, Crystal and Chocolate Malts combine with Hallertau, Fuggles and Mt. Hood hops to create a complex but light taste. O.G. 1.059, ABV 5.5%
- Redwing Raspberry Wheat Beer
This Raspberry wheat beer uses a raspberry puree as well as Pale Wheat malt to bring about this wonderfully refreshing brew. This beer starts with a subtle sweetness and moderate tartness, and finishes with a palate-cleansing raspberry that will leave you wanting more. ABV 5.2%
- Willy's Oompa-Loompa Chocolate Stout
Little more can be said about this beer than these two words: Chocolate and Stout. This brew fills the palate with slightly sweet, super chocolate, malty flavor. ABV 6.0%
English Style Ales [8]
Breath of the Dragon English Bitter This fine English style Best Bitter is made with Imported English Pale Ale, Aromatic and Caramel malts. Galena and Willamette Hops add a moderate bittering level to make this a refreshing example of an English Bitter. O.G. 1.049, ABV 4.5%
- Crusader Dark Mild Ale
The finest imported English Mild Ale malt along with Crystal and Chocolate malts combine with true English hops to create an English style treat. A copper color complements the Fuggles hops to make a very drinkable beer. O.G. 1.047, ABV 4.4%
- Earl's Spit Stout
This classic dry stout is moderately bittered with E. Kent Golding hops and is balanced between Roasted Barley and Chocolate Malts. It is fermented with Irish Ale Yeast that leaves the finish of the beer dry, thick and delicious. O.G. 1.066, ABV 6.2% Erik the Red
- Erik the Red An Irish style red (amber) beer. Light in finish but bold in taste. Melanoidin malt is added for the red color and the spicy finish comes through from the Chinook hops. O.G. 1.044, ABV 5.0%
- Honey Porter
A porter with a difference. Dark in color but light in taste. Twenty-five pounds of honey and dark chocolate wheat malt are used to give this beer a refreshingly smooth taste. Give this beer a try even if you don't like dark beers. O.G. 1.059, ABV 4.6%
- Inquisition Pale Ale
If you are a fan of traditional English IPAs get ready for this malty, hop-filled treat. English Pale, Crystal, and Munich malts are used along with Challenger, East Kent Goldings and Styrian Goldings hops to create a brew that is fit for the English Troops in India. O.G. 1.053, ABV 5.1%
- London Brown Ale
A traditional English style beer made with Pale, Crystal and Chocolate Malts and hopped with Northern Brewer and E. Kent Golding hops. The added molasses creates a refreshing blend that does not linger but fills the palate for a true English taste experience. O.G. 1.048, ABV 4.7%
- Larry's Lionheart Pale Ale
This is the lightest of the English styles. This Pale is brewed with Biscuit and Wheat malt to give character with a light color. A balance is struck between the E. Kent Goldings and Fuggles hops and the malt to create a very drinkable pale that any pub owner in England would be proud to serve. O.G. 1.056, ABV 4.7%
- Rev. Fred's Oatmeal Stout
This classic sweet stout is made with 6% Oats. This gives the stout a velvety smoothness. Its finish is predominantly roasted with a hint of chocolate malt. The overall sensation is a lighter tasting, velvety smoothness. Enjoy! O.G. 1.060, ABV 5.7%
- Sir William's Extra Special Bitter
Another fine example of the English style. This Bitter is more robust than the best bitter but still with an excellent balance between hops and malt. Pale Ale Malt along with Aromatic and Crystal malts combine with the Galena and Fuggles hops to create a sure-fire favorite. O.G. 1.050, ABV 4.8%
- Woody's Perfect Porter
The Porter style was almost lost in England with the advent of cheaper and more prevalent alcohols like Gin. This recreation of an 1850 style Porter is more see-thru than a stout and is moderately hopped with Northern Brewer hops. One taste and you'll see why this was the most popular style in the north of England. O.G. 1.049, ABV 4.3%
- Copper Shield Bitter Harvest
This Barley Wine is produced at the lower end of the Barley Wine scale. It is fermented to a very drinkable level, unlike heavier Barley Wines. It has a generous dose of hops added to an International Bittering Level of 101. O.G. 1.088, ABV 9.7%
- Excalibur Barley Wine
This Barley Wine tops the charts! Big, complex and thick, this beer is a meal in a glass. It warms on the way down and for quite a while afterwards. This beer undergoes three yeast fermentations and spending over 120 days in the fermenter. When you are in an adventurous mood, try this international classic. O.G. 1.105, ABV 11.25%
German Style Ales [8]
- Dragonslayer Altbier
The great German brewing tradition began before the advent of refrigeration. Before they were able to do lagers and Pilsners, the Germans did fine ales. This Altbier (or Old Style Beer) is brewed with four different malts and two separate hop additions to create a smooth coppery colored beer that goes down easily. O.G. 1.048, ABV 4.5%
- Kaiser's Kölsch
A light colored version of the Alt Beer. This beer uses an ale type yeast at lager-like temperatures. What results is a smooth, almost fruity beer that is pleasing to the palate. A small amount of Wheat malt is used to give extra body to this otherwise "light" beer. Hallertau hops balance the malt but impart no hop aroma. O.G. 1.048, ABV 5.4%.
- Nagelweiss Wheat Beer
This German style wheat beer contains about 50% malted wheat and is balanced with Hallertau hops. This beer finishes low in gravity so the final taste is light on the palette and extremely drinkable. This is sure to be a favorite with first time and long time wheat beer drinkers. O.G. 1.048, ABV 5.1%
German Style Lagers [8]
- 6Ts Dortmunder
This German lager is brewed by the ladies of Dragonmead. Three of them to be exact. The result is a wonderfully rich, satisfying and entirely drinkable German lager that goes down easily glass after glass. This beer is made from Munich and Caramunich grains with only the noble Hallertau hop added for a clean finish. O.G. 1.054, ABV 6.1%
- Bishop Bob's Holy Smoke
This beer is a Bamberg-style Rauchbier. The town of Bamberg, Germany originated the style of smoked beers. These beers are made with a dose of smoked barley. Our recipe relies on a light bock recipe for its base and contains about 20% imported smoked barley. The noble German hops are used to balance the taste into a unique beer drinking experience. O.G. 1.051, ABV 5.6%
- Bock Tubock
This traditional German bock is brewed as a dark wheat dopplebock. Made with Munich and Vienna malt, it receives its color from the dark wheat malt that is added. It is hopped with traditional German hops. A malty body with slightly sour notes and a hint of wine ester flavors. O.G. 1.079, ABV 7.5%
- Drei Kronen 1308
On September 10, 2003 Dragonmead Microbrewery released the first batch of a light German lager named Drei Kronen 1308. This beer is being brewed under contract with the Drei Kronen Brauerei in Strassgeich, Germany. In the year 1308, an age when knight fought against knight in armor, when King Ludwig IV ruled Bavaria, the Drei Kronen Brauerei was founded in the small city of Strassgiech, Germany, near the famous castle “Giechburg”. Legend has it that it was in honor of this celebrated monarch, ruler of three domains, that the brewery took its name: “Drei Kronen Brauerei” (Three Crowns Brewery). For centuries this brewery has been distinguished through its appointment as “Erbschänke” (hereditary brewery) with the rare and ancient right to serve its beer in special Royal tankards - to king and countrymen alike. Brauerei Drei Kronen is one of the oldest breweries in the world. Dating back to 1308, it is even older than those in Munich, Bavaria.
- Oktoberfest Marzen
This classic German-style lager is brewed once annually for service in mid-September. It has big malt flavor from imported German Vienna and Munich malts with just enough German Hallertauer hops to balance the sweet character of the beer. This is a rich, full-bodied lager is a great treat for any Oktoberfest celebration. O.G. 1.058, ABV 6%
- Tafelbier Lager
The classic German beer is perhaps best represented in this classic lager. Made with German Pilsen two-row malt and Vienna, Munich and acidulated malts this beer goes down smooth. The name (roughly translated) means table beer. This beer will grace any table it is set upon. Perle, Tettenger and Hallertau hops balance this beverage into one that you'll want again. O.G. 1.055, ABV 6.3%.
- Tayken Abock
A traditional German bock beer made with Munich, Carafa and Pilsen malts, this bock is as traditional as it gets. Brewed using the decoction method it is hopped with classic German hops that are sure to satisfy. O.G. 1.073, ABV 7.0%
- Tuhelles Enbock
The beer known as maibock was traditionally brewed to be ready in may. It is referred to as Helles. This light colored beer is crafted with traditional German grains and hops. It holds a lot of character in the light body. O.G. 1.066, ABV 6.7%
Belgium Style Ales [8]
- Armageddon Grand Cru
Grand Crus are traditionally known as "The best beer that a brewery makes." This Belgian-style quad lives up to that name and then some. Available once a year, in May to celebrate our Anniversary. O.G. 1.111, ABV 11.6%
- Bill's Witbier
This Belgian classic is made with about 40% wheat malt and unmalted wheat. Mt. Hood hops give a balance to the Bitter Orange Peel and Coriander Spice that are used to recreate this Belgian taste. Refreshing and different, you should experience this classic beer. O.G. 1.050, ABV 4.9%
- Bronze Griffin Belgian Ale
Sweet Orange Blossom Honey is combined with Belgian two-row malted barley and Munich malt to create another Belgian classic. Tetternger and E. Kent Goldings hops are added to round out the finish of this beer. The aroma of the honey remains without the sugary sweetness. O.G. 1.070, ABV 6.8%.
- Dead Monk Abbey Ale
This Belgian beer is brewed in the style of the Trappist Monks. Belgian Candi Sugar, Pilsen, Aromatic and Caramunich malts are balance by E. Kent Goldings, Mt. Hood and Saaz hops to construct a "Big Beer". Traditional White Beer Yeast is used to make this beer have a large mouth-feel and lingering spice notes in the finish. O.G. 1.085, ABV 8.0%.
- Dubbel Dragon Ale
This Dubbel style Belgian beer is created in the great Belgian tradition. Pale Malt, Caramel and Special B Malts impart a unique sweetness to this beer. The traditional Belgian yeast fully ferments the Belgian Candi Sugar to give a satisfying taste that is twice what a Beligian pale delivers. O.G. 1.068, ABV 7.2%.
- Final Absolution Belgian Style Trippel
Dragonmead's signature product! This is the ultimate Belgian style. The very high gravity of this beer is balanced by the smoothness of its finish. Banana and Clove aromas come from the Belgian yeast strain combining with the generous dose of Belgian Candi Sugar. The Saaz hops help to give this beer a balanced bitterness with no noticeable hop aroma. O.G. 1.085, ABV 8.5%.
- Guinevere's Golden Belgian Ale
Like its namesake this beer is a golden color and flavored with Coriander and bitter orange. This 50% wheat beer uses only the finest Belgian grains and Saaz hops to create a Belgian Pale Ale that must be experienced by all serious beer connoisseurs. O.G. 1.047, ABV 4.5%
- Wench Water Belgian Pale Ale
This golden-colored Belgian Pale Ale includes Belgian Candi Sugar and coriander, as well as sweet orange peel which imparts a slightly citrus quality to the beer. The result is a sweetly spiced beer with very low hop and malt characters ... A great summer thirst quencher. ABV 5.2%
Scottish Style Ales [8]
- 90 Shilling
This 90 Shilling Ale is a Scotch Ale slightly lower in gravity and is a refreshingly malty beer. The dark amber color betrays its slightly sweet, caramel roastedness. There is very little hop bitterness and it finishes with a gorgeous clean, dry, smoke. ABV 6%
- Andromeda Heather Ale
Dragonmead uses heather tips imported from Scotland to create this unusual brew. Its malty sweet aroma does not disappoint. Chocolate Malt imparts a great deal of the flavor of this beer but does not over-power the finish, which is defined by the powdery dryness of the heather. All in all, a malty brew with a very clean finish. ABV 5.7%
- Under the Kilt Wee Heavy
Produced in the style of a Scottish Export Ale this beer is big on taste and body. Imported Scottish Ale Malt is combined with Roasted Barley and Crystal malt to give this beer a unique taste and aroma. Golding and Fuggles Hops help to balance out the taste of this unique beer. O.G. 1.080, ABV 7.8%
Russian Style Ales [8]
- Imperial Stout
A Russian Classic! This stout is extremely big. Thick and malty, this stout is created with six-row barley as well as roasted, Chocolate and Caramel malts. The E. Kent Goldings hops do not quite take up all of the malt sweetness. You can't see through this beer but you can see how just a little goes a long way. O.G. 1.080, ABV 7.5%
Czechoslovakian Style Lagers [8]
- Squire Pilsen
Squire Pilsen is a unique brew made in the tradition of Pilsner Urquell. This lager is brewed with Pilsen and Munich malt and hopped with Tettnanger and Saaz hops. This is a refreshing brew, light in color and body, sure to please all levels of beer aficionados. O.G. 1.048, ABV 4.5%
Norwegian Style Ale [8]
- Jul Øl
This spiced winter warmer makes for great sipping. Jul Ol is brewed in the tradition of a Norwegian dark ale. It is spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg. This ale is only available in December and January. O.G. 1.060, ABV 6.0%
- ^ "DFriends, partners brew success at Dragonmead". http://www.candgnews.com/Homepage-Articles/2010/2-03-2010/Warren-Dragonmead-Brewery.asp. Retrieved 11-16-2010.
- ^ Larry Channel; quoted in: Brian C. Louwers, Friends, partners brew success at Dragonmead, ;
- ^ Larry Channel; quoted in: Brian C. Louwers, Friends, partners brew success at Dragonmead, ;
- ^ Larry Channel; quoted in: Brian C. Louwers, Friends, partners brew success at Dragonmead, ;
- ^ Larry Channel; quoted in: Brian C. Louwers, Friends, partners brew success at Dragonmead, ;
- ^ a b c "http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=mBjjCJoEO1c".
- ^ Larry Channel; quoted in: Brian C. Louwers, Friends, partners brew success at Dragonmead, ;
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "http://www.dragonmead.com/Beers.html".
Categories:- Beer brewing companies based in Michigan
- Companies based in Macomb County, Michigan
- Organizations established in 1998
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