curve — vb Curve, bend, twist are comparable when they mean to swerve or cause to swerve or deviate from a straight line or a normal direction or course. Curve is the word of widest application, and it may describe any deviation or swerving from the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Serpentine (disambiguation) — The word serpentine may refer to:* Serpentine shape, an object or design shaped like the letter S or like a snake * The S shaped riding figure used when training horses. * Serpentine group, a common mineral group * Serpentine belt, a type of… … Wikipedia
serpentine — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French serpentin, from Late Latin serpentinus, from Latin serpent , serpens Date: 15th century 1. of or resembling a serpent (as in form or movement) 2. subtly wily or tempting 3. a. winding or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
serpentine front — Furniture. a front, as of a chest of drawers, having a horizontal compound curve with a convex section between two concave ones. Cf. oxbow front. * * * … Universalium
serpentine — Synonyms and related words: Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, Mephistophelian, aberrant, aberrative, acute, affluent, ambagious, amphibian, anfractuous, anguiform, anguine, arch, artful, astute, bad, batrachian, bent, billowing, billowy,… … Moby Thesaurus
curve — 1. noun the serpentine curves of the river Syn: bend, turn, loop, curl, twist, hook; arc, arch, bow, undulation, curvature, meander 2. verb the road curved back on itself Syn: bend, turn … Thesaurus of popular words
serpentine front — Furniture. a front, as of a chest of drawers, having a horizontal compound curve with a convex section between two concave ones. Cf. oxbow front … Useful english dictionary
S Curve (art) — The S Curve is a traditional art concept in Ancient Greek sculpture and Roman sculpture where the figure s body and posture is depicted like a sinuous or serpentine S . It is related to and is an extension of the art term of contrapposto which is … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia
List of curves — This is a list of curves, by Wikipedia page. See also list of curve topics, list of surfaces, Riemann surface. Algebraic curves*Cubic plane curve *Quartic plane curve *Quintic plane curve *Sextic plane curveRational curves*Ampersand curve… … Wikipedia