- Folium of Descartes
Geometry , the Folium of Descartes is analgebraic curve defined by the equation :x^3 + y^3 - 3 a x y = 0 ,. It forms a loop in the first quadrant with adouble point at the origin andasymptote :x + y + a = 0 ,. It is symmetrical about y = x.Then name comes from the
Latin word "folium" which means "leaf ".The curve was featured, along with a portrait of Descartes, on an Albanian stamp in 1966.
The curve was first proposed by
Descartes in 1638. Its claim to fame lies in an incident in the development ofcalculus . Descartes challengedFermat to find the tangent line to the curve at an arbitrary point since Fermat had recently discovered a method for finding tangent lines. Fermat solved the problem easily, something the Descartes was unable to do. Since the invention of calculus, the slope of the tangent line can be found easily usingimplicit differentiation .Graphing the curve
Since the equation is degree 3 in both x and y, and does not factor, it is difficult to find solve for one of the variables. However, the equation in
polar coordinates is::r = frac{3 a sin heta cos heta}{sin^3 heta + cos^3 heta }.which can be plotted easily. Another technique is to write y = px and solve for x and y in terms of p. This yields theparametric equations :x = 3ap} over {1 + p^3,, y = 3ap^2} over {1 + p^3.
Relationship to the trisectrix of MacLaurin
The folium of Descartes is related to the
trisectrix of Maclaurin byaffine transformation . To see this, start with the equation :x^3 + y^3 = 3 a x y ,,and change variables to find the equation in a coordinate system rotated 45 degrees. This amounts to setting x = X+Y} over sqrt{2, y = X-Y} over sqrt{2. In the X,Y plane the equation is :2X(X^2 + 3Y^2) = 3 sqrt{2}a(X^2-Y^2). If we stretch the curve in the Y direction by a factor of sqrt{3} this becomes :2X(X^2 + Y^2) = a sqrt{2}(3X^2-Y^2)which is the equation of the trisectrix of Maclaurin.References
* [http://www.mindspring.com/~r.amoroso/Amoroso7.pdf Richard L. Amoroso "Fe, Fi, Fo, Folium: A Discourse on Descartes’ Mathematical Curiosity"]
*George F. Simmons "Calculus Gems: Brief Lives and Memorable Mathematics" (2007 MAA) p 101 [http://books.google.com/books?id=3KOst4Mon90C]
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