- Heaths in the British National Vegetation Classification system
This article gives an overview of the heath communities in the
British National Vegetation Classification system.Introduction
The heath communities of the NVC were described, along with the mire communities, in Volume 2 of "
British Plant Communities ", first published in 1991.In total, 22 heath communities have been identified.
The heath communities consist of six separate subgroups:
* five lowland dry heath communities, all with distinct, largely non-overlapping distributions inEngland andWales (H1, H2, H6, H8 and H9)
* three localised communities, with non-overlapping ranges in southern England, which are considered transitional between the above and the wetter communities classified in the NVC as mires (H3, H4 and H5)
* two maritime heath communities, found exclusively on the coasts of northern and western Britain; one (H7) is more widespread than the other (H11)
* four submontane heaths from upland areas in northern and western Britain; two of these (H10 and H12) are widespread, whereas the other two (H16 and H21) are more localised (confined toScotland , and Scotland and theLake District , respectively)
* two sub-alpine communities, considered transitional between the previous and next groupings - H18, which is widespread in northern and western Britain), and H22, which is confined to Scotland
* sixmontane heath communities withlichen s andmosse s, all of which are confined either to Scotland (H13, H14, H15, H17 and H20) or to Scotland and the Lake District (H19)List of heath communities
The following is a list of the communities that make up this category:
* H1 "Calluna vulgaris - Festuca ovina" heath
* H2 "Calluna vulgaris - Ulex minor" heath
* H3 "Ulex minor - Agrostis curtisii" heath
* H4 "Ulex gallii - Agrostis curtisii" heath
* H5 "Erica vagans - Schoenus nigricans" heath
* H6 "Erica vagans - Ulex europaeus" heath
* H7 "Calluna vulgaris - Scilla verna" heath
* H8 "Calluna vulgaris - Ulex gallii" heath
* H9 "Calluna vulgaris - Deschampsia flexuosa" heath
* H10 "Calluna vulgaris - Erica cinerea" heath
* H11 "Calluna vulgaris - Carex arenaris" heath
* H12 "Calluna vulgaris - Vaccinium myrtillus" heath
* H13 "Calluna vulgaris - Cladonia arbuscula" heath
* H14 "Calluna vulgaris - Racomitrium lanuginosum" heath
* H15 "Calluna vulgaris - Juniperus communis" ssp. "nana" heath
* H16 "Calluna vulgaris - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi" heath
* H17 "Calluna vulgaris - Arctostaphylos alpinus" heath
* H18 "Vaccinium myrtillus - Deschampsia flexuosa" heath
* H19 "Vaccinium myrtillus - Cladonia arbuscula" heath
* H20 "Vaccinium myrtillus - Racomitrium lanuginosum" heath
* H21 "Calluna vulgaris - Vaccinium myrtillus - Sphagnum capillifolium" heath
* H22 "Vaccinium myrtillus - Rubus chamaemorus" heath
Rodwell, J. S. (1988) "British Plant Communities Volume 2 - Mires and heaths" ISBN 0-521-62720-6 pages vii, 347 - 358
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