

Paraphimosis is a medical condition where the foreskin becomes trapped behind the glans penis, and cannot be pulled back to its normal flaccid position covering the glans penis. If the condition persists for several hours or there is any sign of a lack of blood flow, paraphimosis should be treated as a medical emergency, as it can result in gangrene or other serious complications.

Paraphimosis can often be reduced by manipulation. This involves compressing the glans and moving the foreskin back to its normal position, perhaps with the aid of a lubricant. If this fails, the foreskin may need to be cut (dorsal slit procedure) or removed by circumcision. An alternate method, the Dundee technique, entails placing multiple punctures in the swollen foreskin with a fine needle, and then expressing the edema fluid by manual pressure.

Prevention of recurrence is through education of the patient and his caregivers on the need to pull back the foreskin over the glans after it has been retracted (for example, when cleaning the glans or passing a Foley catheter), or through elective circumcision or preputioplasty.

ee also

* phimosis
* circumcision
* preputioplasty

External links

*" [ Reduction of paraphimosis the simple way - the Dundee technique] " J.M.Reynard & J.M.Barua, British Journal of Urology, Volume 83, Number 7, Pages 859-860. (contains pictures of a medical procedure and penis)

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  • paraphimosis — [ parafimozis ] n. m. • 1701; de 1. para et gr. phimos « lien » ♦ Méd. Étranglement du gland par le prépuce, pouvant constituer une complication du phimosis. ● paraphimosis nom masculin (grec paraphimôsis) Étranglement de la base du gland du… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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