

A superminicomputer, or supermini, is, by definition, “a minicomputer with high performance compared to ordinary minicomputers.” The term was an invention used from the mid-1970s mainly to distinguish the emerging 32-bit minis from the classical 16-bit minicomputers. Fact|date=February 2007

The term is now largely obsolete—like minicomputers as such—but still remains of interest for students/researchers of computer history.

Note that superminicomputers should not be confused with the similarly named minisupercomputers, which is a class of supercomputer.

ignificant superminis

*Norsk Data Nord-5, first supermini, 1972
*Norsk Data Nord-50, 1975
*Interdata 7/32 and 8/32 later taken over by Perkin-Elmer
*Systems Engineering Laboratories 32/55, 1976
*DEC VAX, 1978
*Data General Eclipse MV/8000, 1980
*Gould Electronics Powernode 9080
*Gould Electronics NP-1
*Norsk Data ND-500, 1981
*Norsk Data ND-570/CX, fastest supermini, 1983, at 7.1 Whetstone MIPS
* Prime Computer 750

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