Gerry Parsky

Gerry Parsky

Gerald Parsky has received appointments from each of the past five Republican administrations. His service has included positions at the U.S. Departments of Treasury and Energy (Nixon); as Assistant Secretary for International Affairs with the U.S. Department of Treasury (Ford); the President’s Council on Productivity (Reagan); the President’s Export Council (George H.W. Bush) and the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security (George W. Bush). Parsky serves as a Trustee to both the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and the George (H.W.) Bush Presidential Library Foundation in Texas.

Gerald Parsky participates with several community, political and educational interests. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Los Angeles’ Music Center Foundation. Parsky has spearheaded three Republican presidential campaigns, first as Chairman of the 1996 Republican National Convention Host Committee, next as the California organizer for then-Governor George W. Bush of Texas during the primary of 2000 and finally as the Bush-Cheney California Chairman in both 2000 and 2004.

Appointed to a twelve year term as Regent of the University of California by Governor Pete Wilson, Gerald Parsky was elected unanimously by his peers to serve as their Chairman. Chairman Parsky oversees the Regents’ governance of the university’s vast array of endeavors including oversight and negotiations on behalf of the U.S. nuclear labs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, student admissions, expansion of the U.C. Merced campus, as well as budget and fiscal issues including pension plans for the faculty and staff of one of the finest public institution of higher education in the country.

In this role, he has recently come under scrutiny for his efforts to change the UC Retirement System by leading the charge to ease out a publicly employed manager in the early part of the decade in favor of work by an array of highly paid fund managers. In the process, the UC Retirement fund has gone from one in which members did not need to pay to one in which they will be asked to make contributions for the first time since 1990 (see [ this link] for more information).

Gerald Parsky serves as Chairman of Aurora Capital Group, a Los Angeles based investment firm formed in 1991 that acquires and builds companies in partnership with operating management. By combining strong management, sufficient capital and careful industry selection, Aurora and its management partners continue to create growing, competitive companies in a variety of U.S. based industries.

Parsky holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Virginia Law School and a bachelor of arts in English from Princeton University in New Jersey.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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