brio — [ brijo ] n. m. • 1824; it. brio « vivacité », d un rad. gaul. ♦ Mus. Technique aisée et brillante. ⇒ maestria. Une petite étude « qu il mena d un train d enfer et avec un étourdissant brio » (A. Gide). Cour. Talent brillant, virtuosité. Parler… … Encyclopédie Universelle
brio — BRÍO s.n. (În loc. adv.) Cu brio = a) cu multă însufleţire, vioi; b) în mod remarcabil, strălucit, excepţional. – Din it., fr. brio. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CON BRÍO loc. adv. (mu … Dicționar Român
BRIO — is a wooden toy company founded in Sweden. Founder Ivar Bengtsson was a basket maker [ [ About Brio] ] who started to make toys in Osby, Scania, in southern Sweden. In 1908 Ivar s three sons took over and founded… … Wikipedia
Brio Technology — was a San Francisco Bay area software company cofounded in 1984 by Yorgen Edholm and Katherine Glassey. It made money early on by doing contract work for Metaphor Corporation and performing contract programming.By 1990 Brio had developed its… … Wikipedia
Brio — or BRIO can refer to several things: * brio is a noun: quality of being active or spirited or alive and vigorous; in music, see List of musical terminology *Brio Technology (also known as Brio Software ) was a software company that was taken over … Wikipedia
brio — [italienisch], con brio, brioso, musikalische Vortragsbezeichnung: sprühend, feurig; ergänzend bei Tempo und Satzangaben, z. B. allegro con brio. * * * Brio, das; s [ital. brio < provenz. briu, aus dem Kelt.] (bes. Musik): Feuer,… … Universal-Lexikon
brío — sustantivo masculino 1. (no contable) Energía y decisión con que se hace algo: Trabaja siempre con mucho brío. 2. (no contable) Fuerza o empuje de una cosa o persona: Este niño tiene mucho brío, yo ya no puedo con él. El motor tiene mucho brío.… … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Brio Hotel — (Велинград,Болгария) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 202 Saedinenie blvd., 460 … Каталог отелей
brio — brȉo [b] (II)[/b] m <G brȉja> DEFINICIJA 1. živahnost, snaga općenito [vozačev brio dok je vozio ulicama Pariza] 2. pren. osobito živo, udarno mjesto (u izlaganju kakve zamisli i sl.), najvažnija tvrdnja, glavni argument [to je brio njegova … Hrvatski jezični portal
brio — liveliness, vivacity, 1734, from It. brio, lit. mettle, fire, life, perhaps an aphetic derivative of L. ebrius drunk. Or via Prov. briu vigor, from Celtic *brig o strength. Probably entered English via musical instruction con brio … Etymology dictionary
brio — s.m. [dallo sp. brío, celt. brīgo forza ]. [l essere allegro e vivace: un ragazzo pieno di b. ; parlare, suonare con b. ] ▶◀ allegria, briosità, effervescenza, estro, esuberanza, gaiezza, smalto, spigliatezza, spirito, sprint, verve, vivacità,… … Enciclopedia Italiana