Anotato Symvoulio Epilogis Prosopikou

Anotato Symvoulio Epilogis Prosopikou

Anótato Symvoúlio Epilogís Prosopikoú (A.S.E.P.) (Greek: Ανώτατο Συμβούλιο Επιλογής Προσωπικού, Α.Σ.Ε.Π.), is the Supreme Council for Civil Personnel Selection in Greece. It works as an independent commission and is not subject to government control.

Organizational structure

ASEP is composed of the following:
* Chairman
* 2 vice presidents
* 21 advisers

Individuals selected to become ASEP members are usually those who work in the following positions:
* members of the high judiciary
* employees or heads of the government's main departments
* employees, professors, or assistant professors of higher education institutions
* heads of public entities and other legal persons of the public sector


ASEP exclusively performs the following tasks
* Selection of permanent personnel for the public sector.
* Control of institutions in the public sector that choose permanent and seasonal personnel
* Conduct of written competition for the teachers

External links

* [ ASEP main website] (in Greek)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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