Jo Eisinger

Jo Eisinger

Jo Eisinger (1909 - 1991) was a film and television writer whose career spanned more than forty years from the early forties well into the eighties. He is widely recognized as the writer of two of the most psychologically complex "film noirs": "Gilda" (1946) and "Night and the City" (1950).

His credits also include "The Sleeping City" (1950) and "Crime of Passion" (1957), a coda to the films of the "noir" style, for which he wrote the story as well as the screenplay. Starring Barbara Stanwyck, it is a strikingly modern commentary about how women were driven mad by the limitations imposed upon them in the postwar period.

Jo Eisinger started writing for radio penning numerous segments for the "Adventures of Sam Spade" series. He returned to thriller and private eye adventure series in the 1960s writing for ITV television program "Danger Man" and the mid-1980s HBO series "Philip Marlowe, Private Eye". His script for an episode of the latter show, "The Pencil", earned him a 1984 Edgar Award.

His credits also include several films that departed from the mystery/adventure/crime genres he was known for. Among them are "Oscar Wilde" (1960, starring Sir Ralph Richardson and Robert Morley, "The Rover (L'Avventuriero)", (1967), from a novel by Joseph Conrad and starring Rita Hayworth and Anthony Quinn, and "The Jigsaw Man" (1984), starring Laurence Olivier and directed by Terence Young.

Eisinger wrote the books for the Broadway plays "What Big Ears!" (1942) and "A Point of Honor" (1937) and was the author of a novel that was adapted for the radio drama Suspense in 1944 and later into a film "The Walls Came Tumbling Down."

Jo Eisinger's second marriage was to Lorain Beaumont. Eisinger used his wife's maiden name for Mr. Beaumont, one of the characters in The Walls Came Tumbling Down.

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