

The Technology Review 100 (TR100) is a list produced by the Technology Review for 100 remarkable innovators under the age of 35. In 2005, this list was re-named the TR35 and shortened to 35 individuals under the age of 35. The TR awards are presented to the finalists at the magazine's annual Emerging Technology Conference on the MIT campus. Each year, the editors pick one finalist from the group as the Technology Review Innovator of the Year and one as the Technology Humanitarian of the Year.



* Kristi Anseth
* Adam Arkin
* James Collins (Boston University)
* Sandro de Souza
* Tejal A. Desai
* Daniel DiLorenzo
* John Dobak
* Pehr A. B. Harbury
* Patrick Jensen
* Bruce Lahn
* Christopher Lee (scientist)
* Samir Mitragotri
* David Mott
* Nikola Pavletich
* Mark Prausnitz
* Carmichael Roberts
* Peter Seeberger
* Matthew Shair
* Dari Shalon
* Jason Shear
* Erik Winfree


* Marc Andreessen
* Sabeer Bhatia
* Amy Bruckman
* Sky Dayton
* Roy Thomas Fielding
* Peter Girardi
* Jonathan Heiliger
* Katherine Isbister
* Natalie Jeremijenko
* Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
* Maja Kuzmanovic
* Come Lague
* Magdamena Mik
* Jonathan Nelson
* Michael Robertson
* John Romero
* Andrew Shapiro
* Eric Silberstein
* Jagdeep Singh
* Alex Thompson
* Mike Volpi
* Hakon Wium Lie
* Jerry Yang


* Adam Beberg
* Paul Bender
* Bonnie Berger
* David Blundin
* Matthew Brand
* Eric Brewer (computer scientist)
* Mandy Chessell
* Isaac Chuang
* David Clemmer
* Geoffrey Coates
* Christopher Cummins
* Miguel De Icaza
* Michael Deem
* Gregg Favalora
* Yoel Fink
* Amy Francetic
* Eric Freeman
* David Gee
* Isy Goldwasser
* Amit Goyal
* Helen Greiner
* Joe Hellerstein
* Nicola Hill
* Michael Acheson Isard
* Jonathan Ive
* Joe Jacobson (scientist)
* Christina Jones (scientist)
* Steve Jurvetson
* Frederick Kish
* Christopher Klaus
* Paul Kocher
* Steven Leeb
* Hideo Mabuchi
* Akhil Madhani
* Shoko Manako
* Maja Mataric
* Mike McCue
* Todd C. Mowry
* Christopher Murray
* Dianne Newman
* Thomas Pinckney (scientist)
* John Rogers
* Lynn Russell (scientist)
* Lawrence Saul
* Christopher J. Savoie
* Michael J. Saylor
* Daniel Schrag
* Christine Smith
* Thad Starner
* Wim Sweldens
* Ralph Taylor-Smith
* Linus Torvalds
* Stephanie Vierkotter
* Ken-Tsung Wong
* Mark Yim
* Jackie Ying



* Ewan Birney
* Stephen Boppart
* Fiona Brinkman
* Stephen Brossette
* Chris Burge
* Benjamin Cravatt
* Nathaniel David
* Jennifer Elisseeff
* Susan Hagness
* Derek Hansford
* John Harrington
* Suzie Hwang Pun
* J. Joseph Kim
* Steven Laken
* Corinna E. Lathan
* Kelvin Lee
* Surya Mallapragada
* Sean J. Morrison
* Milan Mrksich
* Stephen OConnor
* Alexander Olek
* Vijay Pande
* Stephen Quake
* David Sabatini
* John Santini
* David Schaffer
* Kevin Shakesheff
* Vivek Subramanian
* Christoph Westphal


* Richard Barton
* Sergey Brin
* John Carmack
* Josh Coates
* Paul Debevec
* Shawn Fanning
* Justin Frankel
* Vinay Gidwaney
* Robert Guttman
* Ramesh Hariharan
* Maria Hershenson
* Travis Kalanick
* Lydia Kavraki
* Reiner Kraft
* Raymond Lau
* Max Levchin
* Pamela Lipson
* Rob Malda
* Steve McCanne
* Lou Montulli
* Kazuho Oku
* Larry Page
* Joseph Reagle
* Tim Tuttle
* Susie Wee
* Ethan Zuckerman


* Adekunle Adeyeye
* Doug Barlage
* Angela Belcher
* Mariangela Lisanti
* Jeffrey Long
* Scott Manalis
* Jan Hendrik Schön
* Keith Schwab
* Jun Ye


* Christopher Ahlberg
* Andrew Barrows
* Elisabeth M. Belding-Royer
* Vincent Berger
* Eric Bonabeau
* Daniel Branagan
* Arnaud Brignon
* Joseph Cargnelli
* Howie Choset
* Michelle Effros
* Alexander Fay
* Claire Gmachl
* Michael Hansen
* Tom Hyongsok Soh
* Matt Keyser
* Kara Kockelman
* Paul Krajewski
* Christina Lampe-Onnerud
* Der-Horng Lee
* Andreas Lendlein
* Ihor Lys
* Larry Mianzo
* Chahab Nastar
* Bill Nguyen
* Rajesh Reddy
* Vincent Rijmen
* Jonathan Rosenberg
* Steven Shaw
* Anna Stefanopoulou
* Lisa Su
* Vahid Tarokh
* Steve Tuecke
* Camille Utterback
* Les Welch
* Sean Willems
* Neil Young



* Guillermo Ameer
* Helene Andersson
* Sangeeta Bhatia
* Alexis Borisy
* Eugene Chan
* Bassil Dahiyat
* Benjamin G. Davis
* Christophe Echeverri
* Michael E. Gertner
* Jay Groves
* Justin Hanes
* Andre Koltermann
* Erin Lavik
* Xiangjun Liu
* Anthony Lowman
* Gavin Macbeath
* Nimmi Ramanujam
* Shuvo Roy
* Ram Samudrala
* Christophe Schilling
* Mark Schnitzer
* Mijail Serruya
* Micah Siegel
* Giovanni Traverso
* Rita Vanbever
* Ron Weiss
* Jennifer West
* Daphne Zohar


* John Apostolopoulos
* Brian Behlendorf
* Jud Bowman
* Lorrie Cranor
* Jason Hill
* Meg Hourihan
* Paul Q. Judge
* Rasmus Lerdorf
* Lih Y. Lin
* Sanjay Parekh
* Rueben Singh
* Martin Wattenberg
* Andrew Wheeler
* Evan Williams
* Jennifer Yates
* Paul Meyer


* Scott Backhaus
* Zhenan Bao
* Marcela Bilek
* Daniel Bond
* Michael Bowman
* Colin Bulthaup
* Karen Burg
* Xiangfeng Duan
* Stephen Empedocles
* Vladislav Gavrilets
* Scott Gaynor
* Cary Gunn
* Yu Huang
* Jordan Katrine
* Krishna Kumar
* David M. Lynn
* David A. Muller
* Yasunobu Nakamura
* Balaji Narasimhan
* Ravikanth Pappu
* Ainissa G. Ramirez
* Christian Rehtanz
* Manfred Stefener
* Claire Tomlin
* Stephen Turner
* S. Travis Waller
* Ralf Wehrspohn
* Peidong Yang


* Geoffrey Barrows
* Serafim Batzoglou
* Cynthia Breazeal
* Ian Clarke
* Andre DeHon
* Daniel Gottesman
* Kathryn Guarini
* Vic Gundotra
* Andrew Heafitz
* Steven Hofmeyr
* Mike Horton
* Ayanna M. Howard
* Kevin Lee
* Desmond Lim
* Michael OConnor
* Joe Pompei
* Jovan Popovic
* Vipul Ved Prakash
* Thomas Reardon
* Torsten Reil
* Heike Riel
* Maximilian Riesenhuber
* Linda Rottenberg
* Ted Sargent
* Tim Sibley
* Alex Vasilescu
* Lorraine Wheeler
* Tsuyoshi Yamamoto



* Vadim Backman
* Yaakov Benenson
* Rebekah Drezek
* Ryan Egeland
* Michael Elowitz
* Tim Gardner
* Colin Hill
* Shana Kelley
* Gloria Kolb
* Jörg Lahann
* Eric C. Leuthardt
* David Liu
* Frank Lyko
* Lauren Meyers
* Ananth Natarajan
* Vasilis Ntziachristos
* Shayn Peirce
* Cristoph Schaffrath
* Monisha Scott
* Vikram Sheel Kumar
* Christina Smolke
* Kahp-Yang Suh
* Olga Troyanskaya
* Smruti Vidwans
* Lei Wang
* Sandra Waugh Ruggles
* Xiaowei Zhuang


* Jonathan Abrams
* Guido Appenzeller
* Alyssa Apsel
* Anuj Batra
* Serge Belongie
* Vance Bjorn
* David Brussin
* J. J. Cadiz
* Tianqaio Chen
* Aref Chowdhury
* Raffaele Colombelli
* Adrian Colyer
* Robert Drost
* Robert Frederick
* Dan Gruhl
* Ali Hajimiri
* Scott Heiferman
* Michael Helmbrecht
* Aaron Hertzmann
* Kurt Huang
* Ari Juels
* Richard Kent
* Andre Kulzer
* Golan Levin
* Massimo Marchiori
* Wojciech Matusik
* James OBrien
* Nuria Oliver
* Maria Petrucci-Samija
* Ramesh Raskar
* Jennifer Rexford
* Sokwoo Rhee
* Shad Roundy
* Jesse Schell
* Kees Schep
* Chaitail Sengupta
* Pierre Sillard
* Simeon Simeonov
* Charlotte Skourup
* Ben Trott
* Mena Trott
* Srinidhi Varadarajan
* Min Wu
* Qian Zhang


* Marcel Bruchez
* Vladimir Bulovic
* Mayank Bulsara
* Dustin Carr
* Selena Chan
* Martin Colpepper
* Yi Cui
* LÆtitia Delmau
* Martha Gardner
* Verena Graf
* Yu Han
* Stefan Hecht
* Darrell Irvine
* Rustem Ismagilov
* Albena Ivanisevic
* Ravi Kane
* Kinneret Keren
* Jamie Link
* Yueh-Lin (Lynn) Loo
* Tyler McQuade
* Teri Odom
* Leroy Ohlsen
* Erik Scher
* Molly Stevens
* Michael Strano
* William Taylor
* Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
* Shu Yang
* Yuankai Zheng



* Thijn Brummelkamp
* Martha Bulyk
* Matthew DeLisa
* Kevin Eggan
* Paul Hergenrother
* Trey Ideker
* Hang Lu
* Melissa Mahoney
* Daniel Riskin
* Shiladitya Sengupta


* Parham Aarabi
* Regina Barzilay
* Stewart Butterfield
* George Candea
* Bryan Cantrill
* Andy Carvin
* Narashima Chari
* Bram Cohen
* Dennis Crowley
* Tracey Ho
* Samuel Madden
* David Pennock


* Vladimir Aksyuk
* Helen Blackwell
* Jia Chen
* Anita Goel
* Saul Griffith
* Francesco Stellacci


* Katrine Hilmen
* Yael Maguire
* Rajit Manohar
* Matthew Rabinowitz
* Adam Rasheed
* Adam Stubblefield
* Haitao Zheng



* Jeffrey Bode
* Edward Boyden
* Utkan Demirci
* Manolis Kellis
* Liam Paninski
* Jay Shendure
* Christopher Voigt


* Roger Dingledine
* Jason Fried
* Matthew Herren
* Eddie Kohler
* Joshua Napoli
* Nikos Paragios
* Paul Rademacher
* Joshua Schachter
* Ben Zhao


* Song Jin
* William King
* Stéphanie Lacour
* Ling Liao
* Ashok Maliakal
* Marin Soljacic
* Michael Wong


* Apostolos Argyris
* Prithwish Basu
* Seth Coe-Sullivan
* Stefan Duma
* Christina Galitsky
* Ram K. Krishnamurthy
* Jane McGonigal
* Michael Raab
* Anand Raghunathan
* Sumeet Singh
* Paris Smaragdis
* Alice Ting



* J. Christopher Anderson
* Ali Khademhosseini
* Christopher Loose
* Kristala Jones Prather
* Neil Renninger
* Shetal Shah
* Abraham Stroock
* Doris Tsao
* Lili Yang
* Mehmet Yanik


* Sanjit Biswas
* Josh Bongard
* Garrett Camp
* Mung Chiang
* Tadayoshi Kohno
* Tariq Krim
* Ivan Krstic
* Jeff LaPorte
* Karen Liu
* Anna Lysyanskaya
* Tapan Parikh
* Babak Parviz
* Partha Ranganathan
* Kevin Rose
* Marc Sciamanna
* Desney Tan
* Luis von Ahn
* Mark Zuckerberg


* Erik Bakkers
* Adam Cohen
* Ju Li


* David Berry
* Javier García-Martínez
* Rachel Segalman
* Xudong Wang

External links

* [ TR100 -1999]
* [ TR100 - 2002]
* [ TR100 -2003]
* [ TR100 - 2004]
* [ TR35 - 2005]
* [ TR35 - 2006]
* [ TR35 - 2007]

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