Museum of Country Life — National Museum of Ireland Country Life Ard Mhúsaem na hÉireann Saol na Tuaithe Established September 2001 Location Turlough Park Castlebar County Mayo Ireland Type Nationa … Wikipedia
Natural History Museum (Ireland) — Coordinates: 53°20′23″N 6°15′11″W / 53.33976°N 6.252997°W / 53.33976; 6.252997 … Wikipedia
National Museum of Ireland — Ard Mhúsaem na hÉireann Logo of the Museum Established … Wikipedia
National Print Museum of Ireland — The National Print Museum collects, documents, preserves, exhibits, interprets and makes accessible the material evidence of printing craft and fosters associated skills of the craft in Ireland. Opened in 1996, the National Print Museum is a… … Wikipedia
National Wax Museum (Ireland) — The National Wax Museum Plus, at The Armoury, Foster Place, Temple Bar, Dublin. The National Wax Museum is a privately owned waxworks museum in Dublin, Ireland. On October 7, 2009, the museum officially re opened (although it had been open to the … Wikipedia
National Transport Museum of Ireland — The National Transport Museum of Ireland (Irish: Iarsmalann Náisiunta Iompair na hÉireann) is based in the grounds of the Howth Castle in the Republic of Ireland. The museum is located in the Heritage Depot, Howth Demesne, Howth, Ireland. On 1… … Wikipedia
Dublin Writers Museum — Writers Museum (2009) The Dublin Writers Museum was opened in November 1991 at No 18, Parnell Square, Dublin, Ireland. The museum occupies an original 18th century house, which accommodates the museum rooms, library, gallery and administration… … Wikipedia
National Maritime Museum of Ireland — Museum exterior Established 1978 Location Haigh Terrace, Dún Laoghaire Type … Wikipedia
Donegal County Museum — Músaem Chontae Dhún na nGall Established 1987 Location Letterkenn … Wikipedia
National Leprechaun Museum — Established 10 March 2010 Location Twilfit House, Jervis Street, Dublin 1, Ireland Type Leprechaun Director … Wikipedia